What is you?

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You were in the kitchen making dinner. You were washing your hands before getting ready to prepare the food, when your phone was buzzing. You glanced at it and saw that Sebastian was calling. You quickly turned off the faucet and grabbed a kitchen towel to dry your hands so you could pick up the phone.

"Helloooo?" you said once you swiped the green circle answer call thingy.

"Hey sweetheart! I'm just starting the car and on my way home." He happily said while you could hear the car engine start in the background.

"Awesome. I'm making dinner and I'm gonna make enough for lunch tomorrow, unless the kids want to have seconds." You said while looking into the fridge to find some of the ingredients. You already had the pasta you chose out on the counter.

"Cool cool. I'm with Chris too, so do you think there will be enough for him too?" He asked.

"Of course he can. I just hope he doesn't get mauled by the kids when he shows up." You giggle, while looking over to the dinning table to where the twins, Isabel and Alexander were sitting and drawing while laughing and goofing around.

"I don't think that'll be a problem, (y/n)." Chris said, and you then realized that they had the speaker phone on. Thank God. You had a bad habit of texting and driving, but at least both you and Seb had common sense when talking on the phone while on the road.

"Alrighty then, We'll see you guys soon then." You told him.

"Okie doke, we'll be there in about forty-five minutes." Seb said and hung up.

*Time skip brought to you by Ironman singing in the rain majestically and accidentally flying into the light post*
Your POV

I already had the pot of water boiling with the pasta. I also had tomatoes, basil, and bell peppers on the wooden chopping board. I was peeling the skin off the garlic cloves when all of a sudden, I saw some cloves that had their insides showing... like the garlic was giving birth. To someone else, they probably looked like eyeballs, but I have a weird way of looking at things. Sue me.

I was too afraid to show the little 5 year old's the garlic. I would probably still have laughed my ass off. I was surprisingly calm, had a straight face, and grabbed my phone. I went to Sebastian's contact and tapped the camera button next to the message bar. I took a photo of the garlic cloves and typed a message:

How is the garlic giving birth? I didn't even know it was pregnant. o.O* Garlic is confusing

and sent it to him. I looked into the living room just to check up on Alex and Isabel, who were watching Adventure Time.
Those kids love that show so much that they act out some of the episodes themselves with their dad. I sometimes video tape them, which Alexander hates. He shall learn to love home videos, it shall be my quest. *dramatic/determined face*
Sebastian and I grew up together since we were eight, and my grandpa loved to make family home videos. I still have the tapes and the VHS he had. Surprisingly, they still work.

*AnOtHeR MaJeStIc TiMe sKiP Brought to you by Hawkeye pretending to be superman with Ironman flying, and then dropping him into a tree*

Sebastian's POV

I let Chris open the message from (y/n) when I saw my phone light up. We were about five minutes from home, and I couldn't wait to see her and the kids and tell them about the filming today. I was happy as a clam today and no one could change that. That was unbelievably cheesy, but who cares.
I was slowing down because of the yellow light that was about to turn red, when Chris had burst out laughing. I looked at him with a surprised look, and he had his face scrunched up from laughing uncontrollably. He gave me the phone once I stopped the car at the red light, and looked at the photo (y/n) sent. I read the message that came with it, and laughed. Wow, how in the hell did I get lucky enough to marry this woman?
This was the girl that made her first impression by playing my mother's piano for her lessons, but miserably failing her first day. She made up for it by making fun of her self while she was playing and kept making my mom laugh. I sneaked into the room and heard (y/n) making the jokes and tried so hard not to laugh. She was funny ever since she was eight years old, and undoubtedly before then. She was probably born making the doctors laugh. Even our kids inherited her humor.

Sebastian Stan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now