Part 10

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John sat on the bed trying to doze.  Because of jet lag, he really had no idea how much time had passed or even if it were night or day.  He’d been fed another bland meal by his guard.  He’d eaten it methodically.  It wouldn’t do to become weak from malnourishment.  After his meal, he curled up into a ball and tried to sleep.  He’d found a light switch and noticed it could be dimmed, so he put it on low setting and tried to relax. 

     He heard the blip of a key card just before he the door to his room opened, and Jim and his guard walked into his room.  John sat up on his bed.

     “Hello, John,” Jim said lightly bouncing on the balls of his feet.  “How was your first day?”

     Remembering Jim’s warning about rudeness, John just glared back.  He tensed himself expecting something physical to happen. 

     “What do you want?” John asked simply.

     “I want,” Jim responded, “you to be a bit more grateful, Doctor Watson.  I have, after all saved you from Mycroft Holmes.  There is no telling what he had in store for you.”

     John huffed a breath of air and asked, “What did you do to Sherlock?”

     “Ah,” Jim said with a smile.  “I’ve got Sherlock right where I want him.”  He looked up to where he knew a camera recorded the room, and he knew Sherlock watched.  He’d even installed a microphone so the video feed would have its full, intended effect.  “ I’ve got you here, and I’ve got him there,” he said pointing up to the blinking light in the ceiling.  He can see and hear every word.   I’m sure he’s riveted right now.”

     John glanced up at the small red light he’d not noticed before.  He stared grimly at it for a moment trying to fathom what Jim would want Sherlock to see.  He certainly hadn’t been very entertaining earlier.

     Jim walked forward into the room.  In his hand he held a small remote control key.  “I’m sure you remember this,” Jim said.

     John swallowed and nodded.  Apparently, Jim still believed the collar was live and that’s exactly what John wanted to him to continue thinking.  “I do.  I’m assuming Sherlock still has one too or are you two working together now?”

    “We work very well together, John.  He’s been helping me with soooo many projects.  I’ve more than doubled my output.  It really helps when two geniuses put their heads together.  Plus, he’s got such a nice firm ass,” he said smiling the smile that showed way too many teeth.

     John couldn’t help but turn his head to the camera at that.  He gave it his best, “What the hell?” look.  If Jim were telling the truth, then Sherlock had spent the past six months in a version of his own private torment.  It would have gone against everything in Sherlock’s being to help his worst enemy.  But, John had no idea what kind of monster he'd created by giving Sherlock over to Jim.  He might have unleashed an ultra-potent, supervillain duo on the world.  It was possible he hadn’t thought the entire thing through.  Perhaps he’d been too thoughtless giving Jim control of Sherlock, but he’d been distraught, dammit.

     “He's been a little naughty lately, however,” Jim said handing the remote key to the guard and moving closer. “Wait outside,” he commanded the man.  “Keep watch on the monitor and if he gives me any trouble, you know what to do.”

     John swallowed a growing sense of dread.  Jim’s movements toward him suggested he had his own plans.  If Sherlock were watching this... 

     “Easy, John.  Stand up and come closer.  I want to touch you,” Jim demanded suddenly turning serious.

     John bit down on the inside of his cheeks to keep the angry retort he wanted to make.  He kept his eyes on Jim and scooted off the bed.  He stood and Jim took a few steps toward him.  “Let me kiss you, John.  Just relax and let it happen.  I want Sherlock to see us together.”

     John let his eyes travel up to the ceiling and found the red light.  He stared evenly at it while Jim moved closer.  John made a decision then, he could passively accept Jim’s advances, or he could take what control he could.  He reached out to gently cup the back of Jim’s head in his right hand and wound his left in the lapel Jim’s expensive jacket.  He brought their mouths together firmly and opened his own up to a deeper kiss.  He kept his movements gentle and soft while still taking some control of the situation.  Jim moaned into his mouth as he turned his head and sucked on the man’s tongue. 

      John knew how to kiss.  He put all his considerable skills into licking and caressing Jim until he got genuine, lustful responses from him.  He rejoiced in knowing he could use this.  He had Jim moaning and pressing them firmly together.  John risked another long look up to the camera and brought his right hand down to brush over Jim’s ass.  He let out an appreciative moan and pushed his hardening dick into John’s thigh in response.  If things kept up at this pace, John would be shagging James Moriarty inside ten minutes. 

     “I want to fuck you,” John said in Jim’s ear.

     Jim answered him with another brutal kiss, “I think I’ll be the one doing the fucking, Johnny Boy,” he responded.

     John took a chance and gripped both of Jim’s wrists in his hands.  Jim’s eyes widened and he said, “Oh, you like it rough?  Very well, then.  Let’s play rough.”

     John slipped Jim’s jacket off his shoulders and undid his tie.  He wanted more than anything to slip the silk fabric around Jim’s neck and squeeze it until he had no more breath left in his body.  But he refrained and unbuttoned Jim’s shirt instead.  Jim shrugged out of it and John got to see him without his Westwood armor.  He wasn’t as muscle-bound as some, but his tightly packed frame held power.  John let one hand trail down his stomach and drop to his flies.  With a confident flick, he undid Jim’s trousers and let them drop around his ankles.  Jim elegantly stepped out of them and now wore only his expensive, silk pants.  John took back Jim’s wrists and pushed him onto his bunk.  He pulled both of his arms over his head and bent to lick and suck a trail along his neck.

“I hope you brought lube,” John growled in his ear.  His own dick began to lengthen as he thought about driving it into Jim’s ass.  He wanted to pound the man ruthlessly for daring to take him away from his life.  When he looked down at Jim’s face, he saw amused and breathless desire. 

    “Go ahead, Johnny.  I know you want to take me hard.  I give you my permission to pound me into this mattress.  Take all those frustrations out on me.  But John, sex only.  My man is watching you very closely.”  With that, Jim turned and nodded to the camera, a signal that he would allow John to do what he wanted as long as he kept his head and didn’t get too rough.    Jim wanted a good show for Sherlock and John was going to oblige. 

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