Chapter 2~ Neck Bite

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Arielle's P.O.V

I was starring at completely nothing, feeling really confused and I couldn't remember anything. The only thing I did remember was visiting my sister and getting the down low on a British/Irish band. My lip and neck started throbbing violently all of a sudden. I threw my head back in pain rubbing my neck feeling the fabric of a band-aid. I licked my throbbing bottom lip tasting some of my own blood. I must have had some nasty fall or something. I turned around and realized I already made it home safely. I shoved my hand into my pocket searching for my keys and I finally found them. I unlocked my front door and was greeted by the sweet smell of cinnamon. "Mom I'm home!" I shouted removing my jacket and throwing it onto the couch. "Okay, I'm in the kitchen sweetie," I heard my mom shout back. I made my way into the kitchen observing the mess my mother made while baking. The sink was piled high with cupcake tins and bowls. There was flour all over the countertops and even in my mother's hair. "Uhh mom you could have waited till I got home. I might have been able to prevent this mess," I said grabbing a wet rag and wiping down the filthy countertop. "Well I figured you wouldn't be home for a while so I started baking cupcakes for your sister," she replied turning around and finally taking a good look at me. "Elle, have you been crying? And what happen to your neck?" my mother asked raising an eyebrow. "Crying? No I haven't been crying and I fell," I blurted out not remembering anything at all. It was like the response was forced. "Well okay, go to bed its past your curfew and you have school tomorrow," she answered with a sweet smile beginning to tackle the pile of dishes that awaited a trip to the dish washer. I rushed up the stairs to my room locking the door behind me. I walked into the bathroom removing the band-aid from my neck and examining the wound. There were two small holes in my neck that were almost healed. I winced in pain as I ran my fingertips over my neck. There is no way I fell and had two small holes in my neck from that. My cheeks were stained with dry tears indicating that I was crying but I couldn't recall the reason for all of this.

I peeled the clothes off of my aching body and threw them into the hamper. I hopped into the shower feeling the hot water cleanse my body. I ran my fingers through my long brunette hair making sure to get all the shampoo and conditioner out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself. I walked over to my closet and pulled on a black tank top and plaid pajama pants. I then tied my hair into a messy bun and heard a knock on my window. I walked over to the window and opened it but no one was there.

"BOO" a familiar voice shouted and I jumped back tripping over my two feet and landing on my but. "Colton!! You really have to stop doing that!" I shouted getting up from the floor and brushing myself off. Colton was one of my closest friends. I knew him ever since kindergarten when he helped get those mean bullies to stop picking on me. He had gray blue eyes and copper brown hair. "You should be used to it by now. I come through this window at least three times every week," he replied with a shrug of his shoulders, making his way through the window into my room. "What do you want? I kind of have to go to sleep," I said with a smile pulling the bed sheets off my bed. "Is it bad to check on my best friend?" he answered squinting his eyes toward me. "Well no it isn't but--" I began saying but was cut off by another question. "What happened to your neck Elle?" Colton asked tilting my neck getting a better look at the bruise. "I fell" I responded without hesitation. "Doesn't look like that to me..." he replied rubbing his thumb over my neck skin. "OWCH! Colton stop that hurts" I shouted pushing him away and holding onto my throbbing neck.

"Interesting.." he whispered running his fingers through his hair. "Whats interesting?" I asked confused. "I have a theory but I need more research, see you at school Elle" Colton said making his way threw my bedroom window once again. I got up to close the window and instantly slipped under my bed covers getting comfortable. I couldn't fall asleep, all I could think about is what Colton meant by needing more research. Research on what? He always had such crazy conspiracies, I was a little afraid on what he came up with this time. A sudden sleepiness overcame me and my whole body and mind shut down.

Harry's P.O.V

"What where you thinking Harry!" Paul shouted through my hotel room signaling a group meeting. "I was just a little thirsty Paul, calm yourself" I said in a calm tone of voice. "That is what the animal blood we have is for, to tame your cravings!" he shouted again. "Well I'm sorry but that's not enough" I said starting to get extremely angry. Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam piled into my room looking extremely drained and hungry. "Paul look at them. Do you honestly think animal blood is always the best choice? We're vampires, we need human blood it's in our nature. Niall looks like he's about to pass out," I shouted pointing to the Irish lad. Paul just stood silent indicating he knew I had a point. "Hazza let's just calm down," Louis replied engulfing me into a tight hug. "No Louis, we can't fucking live like this. We need human blood at least once a week!" I shouted with raged angry allowing my best friend to hug me.My emotions were heightened, not my fault. Zayn looked at me and slightly nodded. I knew they all agreed with me but wouldn't speak out about it.

"Well what do you want me to do about this problem?" Paul asked through gritted teeth. "I might have an idea" I replied with my famous two dimple smirk. Liam looked at me with disaproving wide eyes almost reading my mind. "And that idea is..?" Paul asked again taking a seat on the couch. "We hold a conest with all directioners in this area. And whoever wins will be our personal human blood bag whenever animal blood isn't enough" I simply replied releasing Louis' hug on my body. "Harry I don't think this is such a good idea.." Liam whispered crossing his arms. "I think it's a good idea" Niall countered walking over to raid my fridge. "It's a good idea. We get the girl to sigh a contract allowing us access to her blood. We tell her we're vampires and if she freaks out we'll compel her to relax. Simple" I explained looking at Paul with a confident glimmer in my eyes. "But the tour kicks off soon, and the girl might have school," Paul replied waiting for my own witty reply. "The girl comes with us and we'll get her a teacher on the road" I said fixing my curls. "What about her family?" he asked. Damn does he ever run out of questions? "We'll meet them and make sure we give off a good impression so they trust us with their child" Louis replied standing next to me taking my side on this topic.

"Alright let's take a vote, all in favor for my idea raise your hand" I shouted shooting my hand in the air, watching Louis, Zayn, and Niall follow after. Liam however didn't raise his hand and just stood silent not making eye contact with anyone. His gaze just rested on an uninteresting spot on the floor. "Alright 4 against 1, my idea wins. Get on posting the details on our twitter, Facebook, and official website Paul" I said walking over to Niall and stealing a handful of popcorn he must have made when me and Paul were arguing. "Hey don't touch my popcorn!" Niall said with a mouthful of popcorn taking a seat on the couch. I just laughed and stuffed my face taking a seat on the couch excited to see who would win this little brilliant contest, but at the same time wondered why Liam didn't take my side. Whatever more blood for me.

Liam's P.O.V

This was defiantly a bad idea. Not everyone can exactly take or believe the news of vampires existing. Plus what would happen if the girl flat out said no and wouldn't sign this stupid contract Paul had to make. Sometimes Harry was just so stupid. I grunted and walked over to the fridge taking out a cup full of animal blood. There was no way I was drinking human blood even if my cravings did take over occasionally I didn't want to hurt anyone. Harry just didn't understand how bad this plan can turn out. He went out feeding without anyone knowing where he was going , I don't blame Paul for getting furious with him. He should have known better. I took the seat on the couch next to Niall, sipping the bitter liquid from my cup and resting my head on his firm shoulder. My mind was clustered with a million thoughts and soon I fell asleep on the couch cuddling with my Irish buddy.

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