Chapter 4: Conflict

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F/N's perspective

The mission had begun, moving through the dense jungle. The sounds around us are the crunching of leaves and underbrush from our boots, the clanking of the heavy armor, and the sounds of the local wildlife. Light barely breaks through the thick canopy above, leaving us in an almost twilight state.

Star: "This jungle sure is thick."

F/N: "Perfect for an ambush, keep your eyes open."

Illia: "Agreed, our target should be up ahead."

Illia said from above, currently crouching on a low hanging branch that spanned above the small foot trail we had been using. She had been guiding us to the best of her ability through the winding green labyrinth.

Saladin: "How far do you reckon?"

Illia: "Fifty feet at most, I can see the break in the trees."

F/N: "Alright, stay quiet, if they are patrolling this area, we don't want them to get the drop on us."

Mithrax: "Agreed, I'll cover you."

I look back to see Mithrax holster his rifle and quickly climb up into the canopy. Smiling a bit knowing we had the high ground before turning and continued through the trees. After another ten minutes of walking, the path appeared in front of us, light barely piercing through the thick ceiling of leaves staying consistent despite the lack of tree's. The path itself was at least thirty feet wide, big enough to allow a fallen walker to maneuver.

Star: "Well I can see why they'd use this, even in the best of days it's hard to see and it's big enough."

Saladin: "Yes, now we need to look for clues before they find us."

F/N: "Right, spread out and look, but stay alert."

Illia drops down from a nearby tree and nods, the group splitting up. Star though stayed close to me as I looked around. I felt the dark mumbles enter my mind, though since last night and the conversation with the being trapped within the hand cannon, I didn't worry too much about them. Though it was the opposite of Star, as she sensed some darkness emanating from the cursed gun, floating over so she was level with my gaze.

Star: "F/N?"

F/N: "Mhm?"

I hummed as I kept looking for any signs of activity.

Star: "Are you doing ok?"

F/N: "Yeah, what's troubling you little light?"

I asked with a small smirk, knowing that my ghost still hated that little nickname.

Star: "How many times have I told you to not call me that, but...... we both know what that weapon can do to someone."

F/N: "I'm pretty sure it's the person who affected the weapon, not the other way around."

Star: "Still, I feel its taint. Just..... you'd tell me if anything was happening right? I don't want to lose you."

Her tone was that of genuine concern, which caught me off guard. Normally she'd just berate me when something bothered her, but rarely did she get this.....deep. I took off my helmet so she could see my face.

F/N: "Star what's bothering you?"

Star: "Nothing.... it's just.... Eramis, Adam, Crota... we've fought countless enemies before."

F/N: "And we will and have defeated them before. Is it Oryx you're worried about?"

Star: " barely beat Corta, hell Cayde died!"

Hunter's Journey book 4: Devils advocateWhere stories live. Discover now