Kiss You

992 18 7

{15 year old Harry gets bullied at an American school for having an accent and 17 year old Louis is the first person to ever stand up for him. And honestly he just really wants to kiss Harry}

Louis: 17
Harry: 15

Word count: 2171


Harry kept his head down as he walked through the halls, trying to avoid being noticed.

He'd been at this school for the last 2 months - since the beginning of the semester - and he'd been teased mercilessly since the first time he spoke.

He didn't really understand why. He moved here from Cheshire because his mum had gotten an amazing job opportunity and after several long talks and some arguments, he finally agreed to go willingly.

But as far as Harry knew, didn't girls usually like English accents? Not here they didn't. People pointed and laughed and were always asking him to say certain things because they thought it was hilarious.

So now, he always just walked fast and with his eyes glued to the floor to try to avoid anyone and everyone.

But he could never be that lucky.

"Hey, Brit!"

Harry tightened his hold on his books and kept walking.

Why did his locker feel so far away?

"Brit, I'm talkin' to you!"

"Leave me alone," Harry mumbled so quietly Kyle probably didn't even hear him.

Harry basically yelped as someone grabbed his wrist roughly, causing him to drop his books.

"Stop it," Harry tried to pull his arm back.

"Stop it," Kyle mocked in a fake accent and laughed, a few kids nearby joining in.

Harry tugged on his arm again, just as Kyle let go, causing him to stumble to the ground.

Harry felt tears spring in his eyes as everyone laughed and no one tried to help him, or even ignore what was going on. Everyone laughed.

Harry frantically grabbed his books and ran down the hall to the exit, wiping the tears as they fell down his cheeks.

As he left the school, he bumped into somebody and looked up quickly with red eyes to apologize.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked, sounding worried.

Harry just nodded and apologized again, before he kept running.

And the boy just watched him with a deep frown and clenched fists.


The next day, nobody talked to Harry. Nobody even looked at him.

Harry wanted to be relieved, but he was honestly just worried. Something big had to be coming if everyone was ignoring him like this.

And when he saw Kyle, he was shocked to see him sporting a black eye, and a bruised cheek and jaw.

Kyle walked past Harry without even looking at him and Harry felt like he'd woken up in some alternate universe.

Who on earth was ballsy enough to beat up Kyle?

Harry, for once, walked down the hallway with his eyes forward, curious to see if everyone was actually ignoring him.

People looked worried when they caught his eye and immediately looked away.

Harry was so weirded out, he didn't know how to react.

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