C'mon C'mon

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{Louis Tomlinson is a famous pop star and one night he goes out to a club and meets Harry, a high school student with a fake ID}

Louis: 23
Harry: 17

Word count: 3681

Word count: 3681

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"ID, kid?"

Harry handed over his fake to the security guard, and his gaze shifted between the card and Harry several times before he handed it back and nodded for him to head in.

Harry grinned and stepped into the club, immediately met by a wave of heat and loud music. He loved it.

He went straight over to the bar to get himself a whiskey sour, sitting down and observing the crowd as he sipped on his drink.

There was an unbelievable amount of skanks with next to nothing on and Harry rolled his eyes. They seem to multiply every time he comes here and he gets hit on by them way too often. Yeah sure, he could go to a gay bar and actually meet someone he was attracted to, but he has met a few guys here that have been interested in him - mind you, he's only slept with one, plus the boyfriend he had last year.

Harry was trying to find anything even slightly attractive that didn't have boobs and let out a sigh at the crowd of what seemed like 90% women.

And that's when he saw him.

Average height, brown hair swooped perfectly to the side, stubble decorating his perfectly sculpted face, and bright blue eyes that seemed to glow under these lights.

He was perfect, Harry swore he had butterflies just looking at him.

So Harry downed the rest of his drink and walked over to him.


Louis needed to get drunk.

He was going to be starting his tour in just a month and he was just so busy all the time. He felt like he didn't even have time to think about anything that wasn't his music or his fans.

Don't get him wrong, he loves his fans and he loves what he does more than anything, but it was just exhausting. He needed a break sometimes.

So that's how he ended up at some club his friends told him about, his manager thinking he was fast asleep in his hotel room.

Louis wasn't planning on taking anyone home tonight, he wasn't that type of person and as he looked around, he noticed they definitely weren't the type he was looking for anyways.

But then he saw him.

Long legs, brown hair that came past his ears and a hat on top to contain the curls, and the most gorgeous green eyes Louis had ever seen.

And judging by the way the boy looked at Louis like it was the first time, he didn't know who Louis was. Which was perfect.

Louis didn't move as he saw the boy walking towards him.

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