How They Find You

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Alice was strolling through the Tulgey Wood one afternoon, enjoying the warmth of the Spring day. After saving Underland from destruction a second time, she realized how much she loved being in Underland compaired to her world. She sat down  by a tree and closed her eyes. Suddenly she heard a cry. Her eyes flew open as she looked for the source of the wail. She stood and walked around as the cries grew louder. Finally she saw a wrapped up bundle by 3 huge rocks laying in a way that the bundle was sheltered, but wouldnt stay that way for much longer. Alice approached the bundle and saw big (e/c) eyes filled with tears looking back at her.

"Hello there. What are you doing out here?" The baby looked up at her and waved their arms at her. Alice leaned over to pick up the infant and noticed (h/c) fuzz covering their head. "Is your mother near by." She began to look around and saw a figure behind the rocks. It wasnt moving, but was extremely still. She held the child closer to her as she looked to see a woman, dead from starvation by how frail her body looked. The baby looked up at Alice and reached for her yellow hair.

"I guess you're going to stay with me. Would that be alright." She smiled and tickled the baby's stomach and began to laugh when the baby erupted into giggles. "Alright, lets take you to meet your Uncle Tarrant and Auntie Mirana and her sister." The baby yawned and cuddled into Alice.

Mirana was sitting in her garden reading a book. She felt almost compleatly at peace, with her sister and she a team once again and her Champion staying in Underland to help protect it.

"Your Majesty, a child has been found by the palace steps." A soldier ran up to tell his Queen. She stood gracefully.

"Is it alive?"

"Yes they are, but they are sickly. We believe the parents were peasants who cannot care fir the child or are dead. My men are searching for the answer." Mirana nodded.

"Take me to the child." The soldier bowed slightly and walked toward the palace. Once Mirana saw the (h/c) (e/c) baby, she knew she would take care of them as her own. The infant was currantly being held by her sister, who looked rather bored honestly.

"Mirana, you finally showed up. This little...thing, has been crying for almost an hour." Mirana took the baby from her sister and smiled at them.

"Well, Iracebeth. They arent a thing, they are now mine. The future heir to the throne of Underland." The baby blinked at her and put its hand on her nose, smiling.

"Twinkle twinkle little bat, how i wonder where youre at." Tarrant was walking with his friends after a storm. It was the best time to gather new leaves to make tea, and it was cheaper to make than buy.

"Tarrant!" Bayard ran up as he and Mallyumkin were picking chamomile, mint, and rose the Party's favorite tea.

"Ah, Bayard. Time for a game of fetch already? Will you be the dog or shall i?" Tarrant dropped the basket and smiled at his friend.

"Maybe another time, my friend. Right now, theres an emergency." His smile faltered.

"What kind of emergency?"

"Theres a baby in the river. Its stuck on a branch now, but we have to hurry!"

"W'll then what're we wait'n fer. Let's go!" Tarrant straightened his hat and followed the bloodhound to the river. When they arrived, they saw that there was a baby, wailing as the water splashed at it and into its lungs.

"Tarrant i cant reach them! You have to get them out of there!" He nodded and walked onto the branch the baby was stuck on, used to the wobble from the current due to its presents in his own walk. He lifted the baby and carried it back to the riverside.

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