Chapter 10: Crazy

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  Leaving Dick asleep on the sofa, Zora pulled me outside as she said,"Elaine, we cannot stay here any longer. Look, I enjoy spending time with Tim, I really do, but I also don't want to die here. Barry called me, and he couldn't get in contact with you. With the help of Cisco and Caitlin, they've figured out a way to get us home. We have to go right now!!"

  I gripped my phone, but I tried pulling away from Zora's grip as I said,"No! We can't just wait another day? I can't leave him, Zora! He needs me!"

  Zora said,"And I need you, too! I'm not going back by myself! You're my annoying best friend! It can't wait another day! It can't, Elaine. Please."

  Tears formed in my eyes as Zora said softly,"We're out of time, Elaine. Let's go home. Come on. Let's go home."

  As Zora drove us to S.T.A.R. Labs, I just rested my head on the window as I said,"How could we be out of time already?"

  Zora remained quiet, and then I noticed the way that Zora was driving. I had been in the car with her too many times to know that she never drove with one hand. She was a bad driver, but she still drove with both hands.

  I asked her,"Since when do you drive with one hand?"

  Zora rolled her eyes, but she said,"Since I wanted to drive with one hand."

  I slowly began to reach for the door handle as I said,"I wouldn't drive with one hand with your bad driving."

  I almost got the door open before the car roughly came to a stop. Of course, my head slammed against the dashboard.

  Suddenly, the other me appeared beside me as she said,"You're not getting out of this car. You've caused enough problems for me."

  "Yeah. What did I do?"

  I touched my forehead before I saw the blood on my fingertips. My head was pounding, but I could still see that the other me was driving like a psycho.



  She slammed on the brakes, and my head once again hit the dashboard.

  Everything began to spin, and she held my face as she said,"I hope that you can swim."

  I was confused until I heard the door open, and it became quiet. Then, the car felt like it was going down a hill or something. I could barely see anything, and I reached around for the door. However, the car collided with something, and I could feel the water all around me.

  And the thing was, I couldn't swim.


  I really didn't want to go home. I had actually come to like Gotham. It was decent, but home was home. I knew that Elaine was going to take the news really hard, but at least she wouldn't be leaving alone.
  So, when I called Elaine, she didn't answer her phone. Elaine always answered the phone. Instead of just calling her again, I rushed over to where she could have been.

  I knocked on the door repeatedly until Dick opened the door.

  He groaned before he asked me,"What is it, Zora?"

  I pushed past him as I yelled,"ELAINE?? ELAINE??"

  I rushed upstairs to the bedroom, but Elaine wasn't there.

  Then, I rushed back down the stairs as I asked Dick,"Where's Elaine?"

  Sensing that I was upset, Dick looked around the whole house for Elaine immediately. But when he returned to me, that was when I knew that she wasn't here.

  Dick said,"She was here. Maybe she's with Barry?"

  Dick called Barry immediately, but when he hung up, he said,"Barry hasn't heard anything from Elaine. He hasn't been able to reach her either. Something's wrong."

  "Oh, I'm sure that she's fine."

  Elaine appeared at the door, and I was so happy to see her that I could cry.

  I yelled,"ELAINE!! YOU'RE OKAY!"

  Dick quickly grabbed my arm, but then he held me back as he said,"That's not her."

  I frowned, but she looked at me as she said,"Sorry to disappoint both of you, but I know that you're looking for your Elaine. You'll never find her unless I tell you where she is."

  I ran up to her and punched her before I yelled,"WHERE IS MY BEST FRIEND??"

  Dick pulled me away from her as he said to her,"Where is she? Just tell us where she is. I'll give you whatever you want. Just tell us where my wife is."

  I smiled at Dick before the woman that looked just like Elaine said,"I hope that you're being sincere, Grayson. You should look in Gotham Harbor."

  Dick's eyes widened, and he yelled as tears fell down his face,"IF WE CAN'T FIND HER, I'M COMING AFTER YOU!!"

  Dick just grabbed my hand and rushed us to his car before I got in, too. He wiped his tears, but they continued to fall. I took his hand, then I called Tim to get Jason, Damian, and Bruce to help us find Elaine.


  Once we made it to Gotham Harbor, Dick and I stepped out of the car before we ran over to the water. I looked around for any sign of Elaine, but I didn't see her. However, I did see what looked like the back of the car near the other end of the water.

  I said,"Dick, look!"

  I pointed to the car, and he and I rushed over to it. There was blood on the dashboard of the car, and I saw Elaine's necklace floating not too far away from the car.

  I put my hand over my mouth, and Dick said,"Zora, we'll find her!"

  When Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Damian arrived, I felt a lot better knowing that we had much more help. I just hoped that Elaine was still...I didn't know what I would do without her. She was my sister.

  Tim kissed my forehead before he said,"She has to be here, Zora. We can't waste any time."

  I nodded and then pulled myself together, going back to trying to help find Elaine.

  A couple of minutes later, I heard Damian yell,"FATHER, WE HAVE TO GET HER TO A HOSPITAL!"

  Everyone ran to Damian and Bruce before Bruce put Elaine in my arms. Immediately, with the help of the family, we were able to get Elaine to the hospital.

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