Fenton x Reader: Noble

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The art above is not mine! CTTO 

Active on Instagram (art and fandoms): chaoticxrtzz

Published: March 13, 2020

Revised: February 21, 2023


3rd Person POV

You sit on a chair in the triplet's room - bored of Huey's blabbering about random trivia. You were Donald's friend, so he asked if you could accompany Huey to Gyro's lab since he wanted to meet with Fenton today. He knows that Uncle Scrooge can't look after Huey since he's always so busy-

The privilege was crashing whenever in the McDuck manor, not worrying about expenses, food, shelter, and cleaning when you desired to be carefree. Mr. McDuck- Or should you say, Uncle Scrooge: treats you like a part of his family.

Huey was talking about an Ironman duck? It didn't intrigue you that much since you weren't listening due to his repetitive arguments and statements, so you just assumed he was talking about Gizmoduck. Why would you listen? The thought of hearing about this hero makes you flustered anyway. If Huey sees through that, he might suspect that you like him - and you do.

You just placed your elbow on the desk and rested your cheek on your palm while pretending to listen. If Huey knows a lot about this hero, he may have a clue about who he is, right? Maybe it's best if you ask about this hero's identity. Who knows? Maybe he's someone you know and who's close to you?

"So...do you know Gizmoduck's identity?" You casually asked. Huey beamed for his eagerness to tell, but he seemed hesitant about whether he should. He did make a promise to Fenton.

"Sorry (Y/n), gotta keep the identity of this hero unknown!" You paused for a second and asked: "So you do know his identity?"

"Of course! He's- Wait...this was supposed to be a secret!" You chuckled at Huey's reaction.

"Pffft! It's okay, Huey. I was just messing. But it'd be fun for me if I knew it the hard way!" You proudly grinned. You weren't sure how you'll pull this off though. You haven't even met the hero in person! Even though you see him a lot in the news, you can't help but fawn over how amazing he is. Kind of like how Chat Noir has fans in Paris, but if you do meet him, you aspire to interview him to get to know what's the person like beneath the mask.

"That does sound fun! I wanna help you! Buuuuuuuuut I'm afraid I might accidentally tell you who he is-" Huey sheepishly rubbed his nape as you chuckled.

"It's okay, Huey. I'm sure I can crack this case." You smiled.

"Lass? Lads?" A Scottish voice rang in the hallway as a knock echoed in the triplet's room.

"Come in, Uncle Scrooge!" Huey shouted as Uncle Scrooge entered the room.

"Aye, lad, where are your brothers and Webbigail?" He asked. It seemed like Scrooge was looking for them for a while now.

"I actually have no idea. Maybe they're hanging out with Webby downstairs?" Huey responds with uncertainty. Moments later, an explosion echoed the manor as everyone in the room had their eyes widened from the event.

"WEBBY! WHAT THE HECK!?" Louie's voice echoed downstairs.

"WHAT!? YOU WEREN'T PAYING ATTENTION TO US!" Webby's voice echoed back as Louie responded: "I TOLD YOU I'M BUSY."

The three inside the room felt uneasy from hearing the two ducklings bicker as Uncle Scrooge sighed. "Curse me kilts...let me handle those kids..."

"But Uncle Scrooge! You promised you'd bring me to the money bin to meet with Fenton!"

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