Gladstone Gander x Reader~ That feeling of accomplishment

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YouTube: Commando Lexie

Instagram: _commando_lexie_

Mobile Legends: _gLiTcHy_LeXiE_


3rd Person POV

He was nothing but a lazy goose. Arrogant, self-centered, a free loader... But yet he has a lot of girls fawning over him. Perhaps because of his charismatic personality? Or because of his good looks? No one knows. Or maybe it was just his luck...?

Your POV

I was using an oar to paddle my little boat across the sea to get a better view of the sunset sky. I wanted to paint the beautiful sunset sky in a better view. I knew it was getting late and it might be dangerous for me to be alone in the wide open sea, but the stupid part of me said otherwise. I was calmly painting the sky while suddenly a few drops of water fell from the sky.

Oh f- It's gonna rain...

The few drops of water became heavier as I kept all my stuff in my bag and held my canvas. I was hoping for someone to see or hear me in the open sea. I almost lost hope. Suddenly, I saw a golden yacht heading my direction, I waved while jumping around and yelled as loud as I can so the person in the yacht could hear me.

Lucky for me he did. He threw down a rope as I climbed carefully up in the yacht. I'm guessing that some billionaire had a heart of gold and decided to help me. As I finally reach the deck, I saw a handsome goose in a green coat smiling at me. "Hey! Welcome a board! The name's Gladstone Gander!" He held out his hand and I shook it. "(Y/n),
(Y/n) (L/n). Thank you for saving me Mister Gander." I happily said. "You're welcome. Why don't we go inside to get away from this heavy rain eh?" He asked as I nodded.

I followed him and we were walking through a corridor filled with different rooms. He lead me inside of one of the yacht's room. I guess it was a living room? The room was huge and it had chandeliers, velvet couches and carpets, exquisite paintings, and a lot more fancy stuff! I placed my canvas down and placed my bag on the coffee table. He then grabbed a towel just hanging on the wall, as well a long coat near a coat racket beside him, opened a drawer with a loose shirt, and handed it over to me.

The clothes were kinda loose but I guess I'll have to manage. "Why don't you dry up and change? I'll leave you here and I'll go to my room to dry up as well. I'll be right back." He said politely. "Thanks!" I kindly smiled at him for his hospitality as he left the room closing the door.

I went closer to the door and locked it just to be safe. I removed my clothes and dried myself with the towel. Once I dried, I placed my wet clothes in my bag and I tried on the loose shirt. It wasn't that bad. I then put the long coat which went below my knees. I took a good look in front of me in the mirror and combed my hair. Might be a wee bit loose but it'll do.

I then heard a knock on the door and opened it. "You're done drying? How about you join me for some tea?" The goose who wore a green coat now wore a green bath robe and gestured me to sit on one of the couches. He also sat at one of the other couches. He poured the tea in the tea cup which was placed on the coffee table.

"Thank you for the hospitality kind sir! But I'm really sorry for bothering you." I shyly said playing with the rim of my tea cup. "Haha it's alright! It could get pretty boring here sometimes. I could use some company." He started to tell more about his self. I was amazed at how he found twenty dollars and a lady approached him with this yacht just selled it for twenty dollars! This goose has some really good luck!

Though I wasn't sure if he was bragging about it or he was just proud. The thing I didn't like about his luck was that he's relaying too much on his luck making him a lazy free loader. But overall he is still a kind goose. He also asked me stuff about myself so I did. I wasn't speacial like him but he still listened anyway.

After a conversation what seemed like hours, we both decided to go hit the hay. We both got up from our seats as I took my stuff and followed him. He lead me in a guest room and told me good night. I smiled and told him the same as I closed the door behind me. I placed my stuff on a table and quickly fell asleep.

Morning came by as I heard a knock on the door. I stretched a bit and opened the door assuming it was Gladstone. "Gooood moring (Y/n)! Ready to be back on land? I know I am." He proudly grinned as I giggled at his statement. "Why yes Mister Gander, I would be delighted." He chuckled a bit and went outside. I grabbed my stuff and followed him.

I saw that we were already near land the moment I went outside. "Well... It was nice to have some company. But we must go on our separate ways now..." He said rather glum. "Hmmm... Maybe we could exchange numbers? I'd like to see you again!" I smilled as he chuckled. "Alright then! I'll text you if you wanna meet up!" He said as we exchanged numbers.

I waved him goodbye and set foot on land. I went back to Duckberg at the McDuck manor. I was about to open the door but then I saw the family opened the door. They stared at me in shock probably worried sick last night.

"BLESS ME BAGPIPES LASS YOU'RE ALRIGHT!" Uncle Scrooge exclaimed as he hugged me tightly. "We were just about to look for you!" Huey said. "Yeah! Since you didn't come home last night and there was a storm, we were worried sick!" Dewey exclaimed hugging me as well. "Aww you guys! I'm fine! In fact I was saved by someone na-"

"Gladstone is back baby!" A familiar voiced yelled across the garden as our attentions turned to that voice. "Uncle Gladstone!" Louie said all excited running up to him. We all came closer to him as Uncle Scrooge didn't seem to happy to see him. "Oh Uncle Scrooge! He was the one who saved me from the storm last night! I didn't know he was one of your relatives!" "That's because we're different." Uncle Scrooge lowly said while glaring at him.

"Ah (Y/n)! I didn't know you work for the McDuck family!" "Well now you know!" I gave a smug smile as Gladstone chuckled. "Well then. Since my assistant is back, and my so called nephew is here. Why don't you two do something useful." Uncle Scrooge said making me and Gladstone look at eachother. "I want you both to arrange the files in me office. Mrs. Beakly will attend your every needs."

Gladstone Gander's POV

"But Scroogey! Can't you show your guest some hospitality?" I jokingly said as he gave me a threatening look. "Fine fine. We'll do it..." I said as he smiled a bit. "Good! Me and the kids will be back for a few hours. I promised them we'd see a movie... Good luck!" Uncle Scrooge said as the McDuck family waved at us.

Me and (Y/n) went inside as Mrs. Beakly lead us to Scrooge's office. We both went inside as I took a seat on one of the chairs. "Well you know what to do." I calmly said getting comfortable with my seat. "Oh no you don't! Didn't you here Uncle Scrooge? He said you and me should arrange the files together." She highlighted the word together as she shoot daggers at me.

"Ughhh let's just wait for my luck to kick in as the wind arranges Scrooge's files." "Nope. Stop relying on your luck!" "And stop being uptight princess." She got a bit mad but she was cute when she's angry.

"Don't you wanna do something done by yourself instead of your luck? Have you ever even felt the feeling of accomplishment?" She seriously said. "Well..." To be honest no. I don't know how it feels but I really wanna know but I'm just too lazy.

"Well?" She repeated. Oh didn't I say that out loud?  "Fine fine I'll help..." I sighed admitting defeat. "FINALLY!" She said as she told me what to do.

I'm actually breaking as sweat. Helping her in a simple task like this... This feeling... The room... It was messy before... Now that we helped arrange the files it's now tidy... What is this? Am I feeling proud of what I accomplished?

"See? It wasn't that bad right?"

I... I did something useful without depending on my luck...


"Thank you..." I said as I hugged (Y/n). She hugged back as well and I could feel my cheeks heat up.

This woman will change my life.

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