~21~ Their Plan pt. 2

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Chapter 21
Their Plan pt. 2


"What? Tell me. what are. They planning?!?"

"Your not going to like it." He says warningly.

"Just tell me already!"

"Their going to turn you into a snail." He says.

"What?---" I say while sitting up quickly, right before toppling over and fainting.
Destiny's POV

Several minutes later, I wake up from my horrible nightmare of becoming a snail.

"Hey, sorry I said that. I didn't think you'd actually faint." Shane apologized, again.

"It's ok really, now can y--"

"No it's not. I scared the living shit out of you."

"Shane. it's fine. just tell me what their really planning."

"Oh. yeah. I almost forgot."

"Sooooo, what is it?"

"Their going to take away your sight." he says out of the blue.


"Their going to make you blind. because of you can't see you can't use your powers, because you obviously control your powers with your eyes." he explains.

And once again, I topple to the floor, blackness, and emptiness. and it was the most times I had ever fainted in one day.
Blaze's POV

"Hey, come inside. its raining."

For some reason, I couldn't help but look back towards the castle. I felt as if something had happened. good or bad. I felt like I needed to go.

"I'm just going to stay here for a little bit longer." He came over and laid next to me.

"Then I'll stay out here with you." his tail flicked a little and a roof of vines grew over our heads. I smiled at him and he, well kinda smiled back. i mean he is a dog after all.

"I just feel like it's calling me. but I can't go back. I'm just a stupid person who ruined everything for himself."

"I'm sure everyone misses you. if you'd go back, no one would be ashamed. you'd be welcomed." he says assuringly.

"Your right. even though I ran off, I'm sure she'll forgive me." He still looked out beyond the sunset, and so did i.

"I pack what's left I have and leave in a week. will you come with me?" I asked.

"I guess it couldn't hurt, I mean every man has to have his guard dog." we laughed at that. we sat out there for another good 20 minutes until we went inside to sleep.

And that left me thinking.

Does she still love me?

A/N: kinda short, sorry. read leximomo10's new book, Love Runs Out, and follow vote and comment.

Luv you, Kya

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