My Dream

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  • Dedicated to My aunt ann

OK let's cut to the chase, my name is Charmayne Taylor. My parents are huge fans of Charmayne James ( if you don't know who that is stop reading now!). They want me too grow up just like her! Can you believe that? Anyways I have a horse named Ski, she's a sorrel quarter horse. Of course we do barrel racing! So let me get to the begginging of my story!

"Mom?!?!?", I yelled franticacly. my mom replied saying,

" I'll be up in a min!". Whatever, she always says that but she never has time with my lil' sis named Argintina, Tina for short. Tina is only six but she's a royal pain in the rear end if you ask me! Just then my door swung open and Tina was right their. I looked at her and yelled get out. Just then she lifted up her arm and threw her little wacky doll right at my face!

" You 'lil bit" I couldn't finish my sentence cause my mom walked in. She eyed me and my pain in the rear end sister clung to her leg. Mom looked at me again and said,

" What?" I looked at both of them and rolled my eyes then I told her to come her. She slowly came to me and I shoved the doll at Tina who was still clinging to Mom's leg. I then pointed to my screen and my mom followed my finger. Right there on the screen was this sorrel quarter horse mare. My mom looked at me and shrugged her shoulders and walked away.

" Mom can I?" she then replied to me

" Ask your father!". Really? They ALWAYS do that to me, if it's not Mom then it's Dad! So I grabbed my beatin up black berry phone and sent my dad a pic. He then replied

"what did your mother say"? I then threw my phone across the room ( that's probably why its so beatin up). I looked at my alarm clock it read "6:45pm"! Seriously, mom did you for real forget to make dinner again?!?! My dad called me when he was on his way and asked if mom made dinner yet, of course I said no and

he said"uhhhh Tina really needs to leave her alone!"

We said bye and then we hung up. If you can't tell yet I'm a daddy's girl! OK anyways, when my dad pulled up the drive way my border collies named, Rusty, Sheba, and Fighter, started to run down the drive way like maniacs! My dad got out and rung the door bell. I ran down the stairs and flung the door open and squezzed my dad. When we were all at the dinner table Tina started to play with her food. My dad wasn't in a good mood so

he yelled," Argintina Rose McGough! Stop right now!"

She looked up and started to cry. my mom reached over and patted her thigh.Of course Mom is always on her side. When I was done doing the dishes I ran to my room and flung myself on my bed with the new article of Horse & Rider. My dad knocked on my door (he always does that, unlike my mom and sister, he respects my space). I told him it was OK to come in.

He than walked over to my bed and said "how much is the horse?"

I looked at him and couldn't help but smile! I said" 15,000"

, he looked at me and said"OK but you got to help around the barn/farm."

I agreed and I got on my laptop and emailed the owner right away.                  

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