Chapter 12

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(Niall's POV)

"Hey Harry, do you mind watching Alice for a few hours?" I asked down the phone.

"Yeah, no bother. I'll be over in ten minutes mate." Harry replied, hanging up the phone.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. There was bags under my eyes and tear stains running down my cheeks. I was wearing a baggy pair of jogging bottoms and a t-shirt that was about three sizes to big. I looked a mess.

I got dressed and headed down to get break fast. As I started to eat my co co pops, I checked on Alice who was sitting in her jammies infront of the tv watching Peppa Pig or some other silly show she likes.

I sat down and began to eat.

Just as I was putting my bowl in the sink, I heard a knock at the door.

"Heeelllllooooo?!" said a voice from the hall way.

"In the kitchen.." I shouted back.

I heard foot steps coming through the house. The kitchen door opened and in came a tall, curly haired man.

"Hey." I said, washing my bowl.

"Hey mate, whats up? Where's Alice? How come you need me to watch her?" Harry asked, looking around himself for Alice.

"Em, Ali is in the other room watching tv and I need to go and sort some thing out. I won't be long. Alice hasn't had any thing to eat so make sure you feed her, get her dressed before I get home and if she gets agitated - sing to her." I said.

I looked over at Harry - who was sitting on a stool at my break fast table, looking at a top gear magazine.

"HARRY?!" I shouted agrilly.

He jumped about a foot in the air, "Jesus man! What was that for?!" He demanded.

"Were you listening to a word I was saying?" I asked suspisously.

"Yeah, yeah! Feed, dress and sing. Simple!" Harry stated while rolling his eyes, "How hard can it be? Alice is only a toddler - who is watching tv! #Simple Niall!"

"Oh yeah Harry, Simple." I grabbed my phone, smiling to myself at what I was about to do. I walked into Alice to say goodbye. I knelt down beside her, "Bye baby. Daddy is going away for a few hours, Uncle Harry is going to look after you, that okay?" I asked. She nodded.

I looked around to see Harry busy looking at the top gear magazine, this was my chance.

"Ali, c'mere?! Okay, you know the way your not allowed to run around and be a bad brat when Daddy is here?" She nodded, smiling up at me. "Well, I'm allowing you to do all that while Uncle Harry is looking after you, just this once. Okay?" I asked, looking her in the eye.

"Okay Daddy! I can be a bad brat?" Alice asked, I nodded. Her eyes lit up and she smiled.

I headed out into the kitchen to say goodbye to Harry and grab my bag. I had some business to sort out with a certain Mr. Lucas and what he thought his duties were as part of our management because I am pretty sure interfering in my love life isn't in the contract.

"You away mate?" Harry asked with his head stuck in the fridge.

"Yeah.." I replied, "BYE ALICE!! BE GOOD FOR UNCLE HARRY!" I shouted with a massive grin plastered on my face.

"What are you smiling about mate?" Harry asked, eyeing me up susipously.

"Nothing Styles, Good luck..." I muttered goin out the front door.

I got into my car and drove down the road to managements offices. The drive only took about ten minutes but with early morning traffic, it took nearly twenty minutes.

I drove through the main roads of London to get to the fancy-dancy offices. I stopped at a traffic light when it turned red, but after a few minutes of waiting on the lights to change, I got very bored. So I stuck on the radio and started listening to Radio 1.

As I was waiting, I noticed that in the car beside me was a young women - around the age of 18 or 19 with long brown hair and nice eyes - dancing and singing along to what seemed to be the same song I was listening to.

I rolled down my window to get a better look at her, but as she was dancing she noticed me staring. At first she just looked at me, but then a glint of recognisasion filled her eyes.

"Oh shit! She recognises me!!" I screamed in my head.

I rolled my window back up and turned my head away from the car beside me. From the corner of my eye I could she her whacking her window and could hear her faint screams and shouts from inside the car.

"Oh c'mon! C'mon!" I begged the lights to change.

As I said these words, the red light changed to green and I floored it out of the road. I sped down the road to the management offices, got parked and got out of the car to let rip at Mr. Lucas.

I stormed into the building and straight up to the reception desk. A young women was sitting behind the desk. She had long blonde hair - but it was obviously fake - and she was caked in make up. As I stormed up to the desk she seemed to recgnise me.

"M-Mr. Horan..? Y-You don't have a meeting t-today, do you?" She asked nervously as she 'fixed' her hair.

"No." I replied bluntly, "Where is Mr. Lucas I need to speak to him. Immediatly." I explained sternly.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm n-not allowed to bring you to him without an a-appointment..." She said.

"Where. Is. He?" I asked, exagerating each word.

"His office." The women muttered, "Second floor. Sixth door on the left."

I stormed out of the reception area, feeling every eye on my back as I half ran/half walked to find Mr. Lucas. Just thinking of his name made my blood boil. He needed to see who he was being paid by.

I ran up the stairs to the second floor and counted the doors on the left until I reached the sixth door which said - Mr. J Lucas - Head of Department.

I pressed my ear against the door and listened to hear if there were any other voices. All I could hear was Mr. Lucas talking but hearing no reply. Must be on the phone...

 I took a deep breath and pushed the door open - letting the handle out of my hand, making the edge of the door hit the cream wall with a THUMP!

Mr. Lucas looked up at the noise and as soon as his eyes laid on me, they opened wide in shock.

"E-Em, I'll call you back l-later Steve..." Mr. Lucas said into the phone. He put the phone down and looked directly at me; squinting his beady eyes without the aid of his glasses.

"Mr. Horan. What can I do for you?" Mr. Lucas asked in a very nervous voice.

"That little stunt you pulled yesterday. I wasn't very pleased with it and you have probably ruined all chances of me getting the girl I love, to love me." I took a deep breath, "Now, tell me. Why. Did. You. Do. It." I said. Exagerating the words like I did with the receptionist.

"Well, myself and your management team do not think that this child and its mother are good for you...Or the bands image." Mr. Lucas explained slowly, finding his confidence, "So, we have came up with an..offer.." He said, pausing looking for the right words, "You can either date Katie - the girl who was round yesterday - OR you can scram." He finished.

"Wha-What?!" I stuttered, "L-Like, get out of the band?" I asked, my mouth hanging open in shock.

"Yes. You and your bastard's child can get lost. You won't tell the rest of the lads. You will pack your things and leave. Right before the new album comes out and right before the tour starts. What will the boys think..?" He asked with an evil grin plastered on his wrinkled face, "So, would you rather 'fake date' Katie? Or would you rather go and live happily ever after with you basterd child and its mother?"

My head was buzzing. It felt like hundreds of wasps were flying around in my head, blocking my hearing and sight. My arms and legs were dead and I felt like I was going to collapse here and now.

"Its your choice Mr. Horan. Tell me your decision tomorrow. Goodbye."

[IN EDITING] Baby HoranWhere stories live. Discover now