Mighty Love Thor x reader

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Requested by: Ellie Evans

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Requested by: Ellie Evans

You were hanging out one morning in the Common room. You were talking to Thor and Loki about your mission you just went on together. You then stole some pop tarts. Thor only shared it with you. No one else. That's when Loki got a mind message from his mother. Mother Frigga. (Yes she is alive in this world, I hate seeing her die) He closed his eyes for a few seconds. Opening them up a second later.
Loki: Mother was wondering when we could visit her?
Thor: We could visit her today, dear brother.
They stand up, ready to go.
Y/n: Wait you're gonna leave me? *pouts*
Thor: You can come with us Lady Y/n.
You intently stand up, walking out with Thor and Loki. But you then realized you weren't wearing anything formally professional. You were only wearing a shirt and jeans.
Y/n: Um.. guys?
Thor: Yes, m'lady?
Y/n: I'm not wearing you know. *pointing at your outfit*
Thor: You look bea-
Loki: I can fix that y/n.
Loki uses his magic to change your shirt and jeans into a beautiful white Asgardian gown.

You were awed at the gown. Giving the dress a twirl.
Thor: You .... Look gorgeous m'lady.
Y/n: Thank you Thor. *turn to Loki* Thank you, Loki.
Loki: No problem, Y/n. *wink*
You join the boys as Thor puts his arms around you waist, spinning Mjolnir.
Thor: Hang on.
The rainbow bridge appeared around you, going up. This trip was already amazing.
You arrived at Asgard. You looked around the gold dome. Then you spotted a man standing in the middle of the dome, holding the sword.
Heimdall: Welcome to Asgard.
Y/n: Are you Heimdall?
Heimdall: Yes, Lady Y/n.
Y/n: How did you know?
Thor: He can see the universe.
Y/n: Oh yeah, I forgot.
Heimdall: Daughter of Son of Coul.
You giggled at the name. You loved it when Thor or someone calls your dad Son of Coul instead of Coulson. The 3 of you flew to the Garden of Asgard's Castle. The fight was amazing. You looked over the City of Asgard and the Beautiful Gold castle. You took a few pics. When you guys landed you were greeted by a lovely smile of Mother Frigga.
Frigga: Oh you must be Y/n. *hugs you* I heard a lot about you.
Y/n: *hugging her back* It's an honor to finally meet you Queen Frigga.
She lets you go. She was the sweetest woman you ever, ever met. Her smile was warm.
Frigga: Oh please dear. Call me Mother or Mother Frigga.
Y/n: Yes Mother Frigga. Thank you.
She hugs and kisses her other 2 sons. She was such a loving mother. She led us inside to the castle.
Frigga: I need to do something with Loki, so Thor why don't you give Lady Y/n a tour around the castle.
Thor: Of course.
Your face lit up even more. You always wanted to look around the Castle. When Frigga and Loki left, Thor offered his arm. You took it walking into the halls. The castle was huge. You and Thor had a fun conversation going from room to room. He told you little stories about his life on Asgard. Then you stopped at the weaponry room.  You admired the Asgardian handmade swords, Axes, Scythes, daggers, knives, etc. They were also amazing.
Thor: Wanna try one?
Y/n: Really?
Thor: Be my Guest.
You picked up one of the swords, swinging it around. It was light, but had a strong force. You smirked at Thor.
Y/n: Wanna have a battle.
Thor: Ha are you sure about that m'lady.
Y/n: I don't see why not.
After a few rounds, trying out different things you ran out to the city. Thor bought you an enchanted dagger and a book. You thought it was so sweet you gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed. The mighty Thor blushing cause a half- mortal maiden gave him a peck on the cheek. After a few hours it was time to go back home. You said your byes to Mother Frigga and Hiemdall. When you arrived home it was nighttime and everyone was asleep. Loki said good night teleporting to his room. Thor escorted you to your room.
Y/n: Thanks for today Thor.
Thor: Anything for you.
You touched your door knob when Thor spun you around. His lips met yours. You kissed back. This lasted for a while till you heard someone's clear their throat. You and Thor broke apart looking toward the sound. It was Natasha.
Nat: This is interesting.
Thor: Well sweet dreams.
Thor walks away, passing Nat who glares at him. She looks back at you raising an eyebrow.
Y/n: Night, Natasha.
You went into your room closing your door, before Nat could say anything.

YJ~ I hope you enjoyed it

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