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but it's not richie, or eddie, or el.

it's bill.

the dizziness that overcomes stanley when the two of them make eye contact is overwhelming.

he doesn't know what to do or say. but it mostly comes naturally when the door opens and reveals his ex-lovers face.


"fuck off, bill."

"stanley, please. i love you. i'm sorry."

"sorry for being a dick or sorry for hooking up with another guy last night?"

bill's face drops. he isn't sure how stan found out. it's hard for him to remember most of it. "we were- we were broken up."

"we were 'on a break'," stanley corrects, and he squeezes his eyes shut. "we're breaking up now."

bill feels his heart drop.

stanley slams the door in his face.

hate u; stenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now