Chapter One

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Chapter One

I twirled my pen between my index finger and thumb, before frowning down at the magazine cover. Something about it didn't look right, but I couldn't quite work out what. I turned the paper a few ways, trying to see it from a different angle – but, still, something wasn't right.

Shaking my head, I threw the pen down and grabbed my phone. I dialled the number for my boss's office. As I listened to the ringing, I grabbed the remote for the air con and turned it up again slightly. It wasn't warm outside, but my office was like a damn sauna lately.

A few seconds later, Joseph answered the phone. "Hey, it's me. I just got the October edition".

"And I'm assuming, if you are calling me, that you don't like the cover" Joseph replied.

"It's not awful but I just think it's a bit..." I trailed off, not finding the right word for it.

"I see" he chuckled at me. "Look, I trust you – that's why I made you my creative director – so if you don't think it's right, then change it. You don't need my permission to direct, Indi". Joseph and I spoke for a few minutes, before I hung up the phone.

I quickly typed up an email to my creative team; calling them all for a meeting after lunch. I spent the rest of the morning working through the aspects for the new magazine edition. At twenty six, I was the youngest creative director that Moda Magazine had ever had.

I started my own online fashion magazine at the age of eighteen in London, and with the right PR team managed to make it one of the top fashion magazines in Europe by the time I turned twenty-three. I then sold it – for a lot of money – and took a job in Moda New York as an assistant creative director. Then, three months ago, I was promoted to head creative director.

It was something I never expected to happen to someone like me. I tried to work as an intern for another magazine in London, when I was only seventeen, but they'd laughed me out of the building. They'd told me that a Werewolf would never get such a job.

When the world had first found out about Werewolves, back in the sixties, it had been chaos. But, things had somewhat mellowed out since then – somewhat. We no longer had people trying to kill us, but we didn't have the job opportunities that humans had. To them we were too much of liability, especially since we usually needed three or four days off a month when it was a full moon.

But, after seeing my success with my own business – where there was no one to turn their nose up at me – Joseph Moda had tracked me down and offered me a job. Joseph was the grandson of the founder of the magazine, and when he became CEO he decided that it was time to take Moda into a new age.

A lot of people didn't respect his decision to hire me – and, boy, were they vocal about it – but he always trusted me to do my job and bring him sales. And I worked my ass off. Not only to prove all those people wrong but also to make sure that Joseph knew he made the right choice hiring a Werewolf.

My team were already sat in the meeting room, when I got there after lunch. We instantly got straight down to business – going through the different cover shots taken, moving around the articles and headlines, before fine tuning all the details.

"Jesus, can someone put the AC on" I commented, brushing my hair off my neck.

"It's already on, Indi" Maxine commented, as she speedily wrote down the minutes of the meeting as we worked.

"It's boiling in here" I muttered, taking a band off my wrist and throwing my hair up haphazardly. "Can you turn it up some more?"

"Boss, it's like the arctic in here" Geoff – my picture editor – commented, giving me a weird look. "The AC can't get any lower".

"You getting a bit hot under the collar there, boss?" Tina – my beauty editor – smirked. "Well, it is the full moon tonight right? Maybe you just can't handle being around so many men this time of the month". Her large blue eyes glistened with mocking as I tried not to snap at her. A lot of my employees didn't like the fact I was a Werewolf, but they'd gotten used to it after working with me for almost a year. But, Tina still liked to throw digs at me every once in a while.

"Believe me, Tina, if I couldn't handle it, I wouldn't be doing this job" I replied, offering her a sweet smile. I couldn't be seen as aggressive – not when it could be used to say that I was a danger to the staff and I could be fired easily. So, I had to smile and laugh and be nice to everyone, no matter how much they pissed me off. But, hey, I was British – it was in my blood to hide my feelings and be overly polite.

The main problem that humans had with Werewolves was due to our behaviour on full moons. Contrary to popular belief, we can change forms any time we wanted, and we didn't go on crazy killing sprees on the full moon. No, when the moon in full – it was the time to find a mate. And, well, Werewolves aren't exactly secretive about their mating habits. What is taboo for humans isn't taboo for us.

After we'd corrected the magazine cover, it was the end of the day. Due to the full moon cycle beginning that night, I stayed late to make sure that everything was in place for the new edition publishing. But, as night was approaching, I could feel the pull of the full moon. The need to be with my own kind. The need to mate.

I quickly finished up my work, left a to-do list for my staff to complete in the three days I would be off, before heading out. I didn't go home, instead I went straight to the club. Moon Moments was a club that opened up only on the full moon cycle and it was specifically for Werewolves.

I took a cab to the street the club was on, before walking the last bit. Moon Moments had a line around the block and it wasn't even ten o'clock. Luckily, I had a gold membership bracelet so didn't have to wait in line.

"Hey Indi, you're early tonight" Travis commented, as he scanned my bracelet through the entrance machine.

"Full Moon is kicking my ass this month" I replied, noticing that sweat beads were already gathering on my brow and I wasn't even in the club yet.

"Well, maybe I can join you in there when I get off in a few hours" he smirked, eyes sparkling as he glanced over my body in appreciation.

"You are having a kid with my best friend, T, stop trying to sleep with me" I sighed, shaking my head playfully at him.

"It's a full moon. You know that the marriage doesn't count when the moon is full" he replied, a wicked glint in his eyes.

"Doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with you" I chuckled, before heading into the club. I stepped through the door and inhaled deeply. The smell of desire, sweat and sex filled my nostrils – instantly sending my hormones soaring.

The main belly of the club was to the left, but I headed right first and headed towards the gold membership changing rooms. I paid for the privilege of not only having my own locker in the club but also to have access to the private rooms – if I ever managed to get that far before mating the man I found.

Inside the locker room were a few other women. I knew a few by face, but not name, and said a few words of greeting. I could feel their own desires and moon fever vibrating through the air – ramping up my own excitement for the night ahead.

I unlocked my locker with my bracelet, before stripping off my clothing. The men usually went completely naked in the club, as did a lot of the women, but I preferred skimpy lingerie. I looked through the underwear inside the locker, I decided on a lacy black number that left nothing to the imagination.

I slipped it on, wondering if there was any point actually having it on as it completely see-through at my breasts and only had a small black strip covering my genitals. But, it was so sexy that I actually turned myself on a little more as I glanced at my reflection in the mirrored wall.

My waist length blonde hair fell around me in golden waves, my porcelain skin glistened with the beginning of sweat and my bright purple eyes were wide and shining. I looked good – something I couldn't deny and wouldn't deny. I didn't think it was vain to say that I was beautiful or sexy, because I knew it was true and as long as I didn't become conceited or arrogant then there was nothing wrong with being happy with your appearance.

I took one more look at my reflection happily, before heading out into the main club.

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