Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

There were two types of Werewolves – City Wolves and Pack Wolves. I was a City Wolf and I always would be. I was born in the centre of London, parented by two City Wolves, and was spending my adult life in New York. I would never be a Pack Wolf.

Pack Wolves lived completely isolated from the human world – living in close net communities, following the ruling of an Alpha and mating only one person for their entire life. When a Pack Wolf turned sixteen, and hit sexual maturity, they were paired up with another Wolf of a similar age and that was their mate for life; no choice in the matter.

City Wolves were different. We had no rules, no Alpha, no commitment. We were all lone wolves, until the full moon hit and we met up to mate. A City Wolf cannot commit to another Werewolf – it is not in our nature to do so and we'd never be able to have just one mate. Even if we fell in love and married someone, on a full moon our true nature would come out and we'd mate with complete strangers unable to stay faithful.

Moon Moments was one of three clubs in New York that City Wolves would come to mate on the full moon. As it was the closest to my work, and apartment, I had a gold membership that I paid for – to ensure I wasn't lining the streets to get in when moon fever hit.

Having sex with strangers on a full moon wasn't weird for City Wolves, it was our nature. We didn't have the urges to settle down and have a traditional family – we couldn't. Of course City Wolves had kids, but it was either co-parenting with a friend you decided to have a kid with, or an open marriage where monogamy was not permitted.

Pack Wolves did not associate with City Wolves – they deemed us savages and whores, unable to live in a structured society, just as City Wolves saw them as conservative do-gooders. It was funny though how Pack Wolves condemned City Wolves, yet most of their men snuck into our clubs on full moon, mated with females and then called us all whores the next morning.

But, I was a City Wolf and I loved moon fever. I had mated with strangers every full moon since my sixteen birthday and I would mate with them every full moon until my sexual maturity ended. I had no taboos about; sleeping with strangers, having people seeing me mate in public or thinking I couldn't get pleasure from someone because of their gender. I was a Wolf and I didn't follow the human, or Pack, mentality of sex.

I had a health check every three months, I was fitted with the strongest contraceptive implant and could read people well enough to know who to avoid. I was good at this.

Moon Moments was a large club, with a balcony full of private booths and tables which overlooked the dancefloor and bar. Sensual music and lightening set a sexual mood. The booths were filled with naked men and women, in all aspect of mating; from kissing to full on penetration. The dance floor was no different, people rubbing together – some dancing sexually, some mating but most just moving together as if one organism.

As I surveyed the room, taking in the smells and the sounds, the fever hit me hard. My hair stood on end, my pulse raced and my sex clenched with anticipating of mating. I glanced through the booths – looking for a familiar face or someone who peaked my interests. A few men perked up when I looked their way, but I kept scanning.

Deciding that possibly it was too early to settle on who I wanted, I made my way down to the dancefloor. I made my way through the wall of human bodies, all swaying and grinding to the music. Hands touched me as I glided through, turning me on ever further.

I stopped to dance with a few people, grinding against a naked man and letting his sweaty body rub against me – feeling the strength of his erection slide over my covered sex. I considered letting him mate me there, like a number of the couples around us, but decided against it.

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