I Died?...

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"Naruto! Oi Naruto wake up man" A voice called out.

The young man in question opened his eyes to see the roof of a car, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. Naruto sat up and looked to see two people sitting in the front seats of the car.

The first in the passenger's seat was a large overweight man with orange hair, brown eyes and pale skin, he was wearing a black hoodie, beige cargo pants and black boots.

The one in the driver's seat was a skinny tall man with black hair tied in a short top knot, slightly dark skin and black eyes, he was wearing a white tank top, black skinny jeans and white converse.

"Kidomaru, Jirobo" Naruto answered as he looked out the car's window.

It was dark, darker than it should have been on a summer's night, the only source of light was the distant illumination of the Kuoh town, the tall buildings reaching towards the heavens.

"You finally back to the land of the living bro?" Jirobo questioned.

"Yeah just took a quick nap," Naruto said.

"Well sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep Hime-Sama but we're here" Kidomaru said half jokingly.

Looking over to Kidomaru's side Naruto could see they were down on a pier filled with different warehouses and boats at the dock.

"So what's the plan then Maru-Kun?" Naruto shot back.

"Simple my idiot friend, All we need to do is take that briefcase next to you to the meeting that is happening inside that warehouse, there we will exchange the stuff for the money and then it's a done deal. We go back to the boss with the money and enjoy our cut, Easy as pie".

"You know for being as smart as you are, Your pretty fucking stupid" Naruto snarked.

"Eh what do you mean?" Kidomaru questioned.

"He means that it is not as cut and dry as you make it, Kidomaru" Jirobo cut in.

"The big guy is right smart ass, Lets not forget that the people we are here to meet are from that crew remember, They will be packing some serious heat" Naruto seriously.

"They're not the only ones packing" Jirobo said as he pulled out a pump action shotgun while Kidomaru pulled out a submachine gun and 9mm handgun.

"Here this one is for you" Kidomaru handed Naruto the 9mm.

"Whoa whoa hang on a minute! Guys this is supposed to be a peaceful trade off, Not a guns blazing moment" Naruto stated.

"We know Naruto, this is just insurance" Jirobo said.

"No it isn't! This is us doing the opposite of peaceful!"

"Look kid, Jirobo and I have been doing these types of jobs for the big man for years, Do you honestly expect the people in there not to have guns? I know this is the first big job you're going to do but stick with us and you'll learn very quickly how things will play out." Kidomaru said Naruto.

"But I've never even used a gun before... and you're only a year older than me!?" Naruto deadpanned at him.

"Still older and hopefully you won't have too either, Come on it's time".

The three left the car and walked toward the factory, while walking Naruto caught sight of his own reflection in a nearby window.

He had golden spiky blond hair with two bangs framing his face, bright sapphire blue eyes, three jagged scars on each cheek and pale skin.

Naruto wore a long open black coat that ended at his knees, an open white collared shirt that revealed a burnt orange T-shirt underneath, Black pants that were a little baggy on him, a pair of black combat boots.

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