Carnival Fun Time (4)

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Nate goes to the panic room and opens the door only to be stopped by Daria who appears out of nowhere. I jump a little at her sudden appearance. "Ex-excuse me. I'm so sorry I don't think Mr. Connell wants anyone back here." Daria speaks as Nate walks out of the room apologising, he glances at Daria then to me before shutting the door behind him and wandering off. I gather the few items I had with me whenever Connell brought me here and approach Daria nervously. "Umm I really think I should just go, you ad your boss have already done so much for me. But all these people...he's trying to get work done and I just I err don't want to get in the way." I have my belongings huddled close to my chest. Daria takes a step back in shock. "But where will you go? Those men are still out there you can't go back to that motel!" I give a little shrug, "I don't want to be a bother." My fake accent becoming thicker as my eyes start to water. Daria huddles me up into her arms and takes me into her room to calm me down.

After I stop crying she goes into her bathroom and returns with a first aid kid. "You know you remind me of me when I first came over. I don't want you to go through the same things I did neither. So please stay till you're back on your feet." She crouches in front of me sitting down on to her knees. "No lets check your cuts."

*Time skip*

"It is go time." Hardison talks to the team through the comms, "He's got the glasses on and we're gonna get the code." I perk up slightly from beside Daria who is talking to me about my 'childhood' and how I've found the change of moving to America from such a small village. Hardison lets out the most bizarre noise I have ever heard, "No No NO!!! Come on man! You see this? No retina scan, voice print, no facial recognition, nothing. He doesn't even touch the keypad." Hardison exclaims annoyed and confused. "Bring up the audio." Nate says from back in headquarters. "There's nothing to bring up he doesn't say nothing." Hardison speaks exasperated. "Bring up the audio the full way." A few moments pass without any update between the two. "Breathe lock." Hardison finally realises. "This just got wayy harder." I mumble before turning to Daria. "How did you get this job? Mr Connell seems very serious and worries." I ask feigning curiosity. "I had many jobs cleaning, nannying and everything else I could get before I was recommended to Mr Connell by one of my previous employers right after his wife died and he needed a hand. I worked long and hard to build myself here, no one ever tells you this stuff when you leave home." "No they don't. No one tells of the dangers of American, only of how great it is." I start to shake a little as if remembering my attack. "Hush now you'll be okay." Daria grabs my hands with one of mine and rubs my back with another. "I'm taking Molly to carnival, you should come. Be good. Get you out of the house. Yeah?" "Yeah."

I come down the stairs and put my shoes on and Daria follows me shouting to Molly, "Molly comes, it's time to go to carnival." I hear an audible groan from the living/dining room were Eliot was showing Molly how to be the carny games. "No thank you." Molly speaks sending Daria marching towards her, "Your father wants us out of way." "Then Eliot can come." I follow Daria into the room and spot Eliot holding a mirror with a big smile on his face, they obviously both made a good impression on each other. "Why not?!" Molly demands before pointing a finger in my direction causing Daria and Eliot to follow her gaze, "You're bringing her! I want Eliot to come." "Wait...wait your father's calling. We must go now or we'll be late." I share a glance with Eliot as Nate appears beside us, "she didn't even look before she spoke, she didn't even answer it. She always answers it." I mumble to the pair beside me.

Nate gives me a look to keep an eye on it before speaking, "Yeah. Why can't Eliot take you? It's fine, really. I mean, it's great. I mean, fewer variables means fewer renovations." "Okay, okay, that's fine." Daria finally relents before ushering all of us out of the house in a hurry. Again I give Nate a look before disappearing outside.

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