Chapter 5

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It's been a few days since Springtrap has been getting used to the place, he was already loving it. Nothing weird or out of the ordinary had happened lately. He continued playing video games with some of the guys a lot, but also helped around the place too. He'd help Chica and Toy Chica make pizza for everyone,
helped clean up the place, as well as helping Golden Freddy and Puppet with important stuff, and made sure Foxy stayed out of Mangle's way. But a part of him felt like he was missing there was something else waiting for him out there, but he didn't know what.

Springtrap looked around as he walked down the hallway, walking down here helped him think better. He looked at the drawing in his hand that Mangle gave him, it was what she was suppose to look like all fixed up. Springtrap sighed, "Alright, I just need to find a new endoskeleton for her that works better, and then I need to make her a new suit...shouldn't be so hard..."
Springtrap suddenly stopped walking as he started hearing footsteps. He looked around him, but didn't see anyone, he was alone. Springtrap stayed quiet so he could hear the footsteps again, but there was nothing but silence around him. He was about to continue walking, but then he spotted something from the corner of his eye, something in one of the party rooms. He entered the room, and then he saw it. It looked like a hole in the wall, near the left corner of the room.
Springtrap approached it and looked closer at it, something was poking out of it. He carefully pulled at the wall until some bits of it started falling off, forming cracks around it. Dust spilled out, Springtrap coughed and waved it out of his face. The only things in it were darkness, and a box. Springtrap took it out and looked inside, and smiled.

Mangle was in her room, picking at the paint on the wall, until suddenly Springtrap came stumbling in, panting. Mangle looked at him, surprised, but then at the box he held in his hands.
"Hey Springtrap, what's that?" Mangle asked as she came closer to it.
"Look for yourself!" Springtrap grinned, trying to catch his breath. Mangle looked inside the box and gasped, nearly falling over. "I-is that..."
"Yes! Yes it is! It's your suit! It's all here!" Springtrap said with excitement.
He pulled out a hand from the box that matched Mangle's. Mangle looked at the rest of the parts in the box and looked at Springtrap, smiling brightly. She hugged him tight, "Thank you SO much! How is this possible? Where the heck did you find all this?!"
"I found a hole in the wall in one of the party rooms, and this was inside! Just this! I don't know how it's possible, but this just made it a lot easier for me to fix you! But I still need to find you a new endoskeleton," Springtrap said to her.
"That's easy, just go in the basement, there's a closet in there that's full of them! I'll go with you, since I have nothing else to do," Mangle smiled.
"Great! Let's go now!" said Springtrap. Mangle nodded and they both left the room.

When they entered the "Parts and Service room", Springtrap set the box on the table and opened the basement door and walked in, Mangle followed behind. He turned on the light and they both walked, or crawled, down the stairs.
"There it is," Mangle pointed to the door in the corner of the room. Springtrap approached it and opened it, and they both looked inside. There were plenty of endoskeletons inside- bears, rabbits, chickens, and foxes. Springtrap took out a fox one and showed Mangle.
Mangle nodded, "Yep, that's the one. Let's go!"
Before Springtrap turned around to close the door, he could suddenly hear faint breathing behind him, and he knew it wasn't Mangle because she was sitting right in front of him. Mangle frowned, "Uh, is something wrong?" Springtrap shook his head, "N-no, nothing's wrong. Come on..."
Springtrap quickly closed the door and followed Mangle up the stairs and out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He set the endoskeleton down by the table and looked at Mangle.
"So, NOW do you wanna get fixed? 'Cause I'm ready when you are..."
"Um, sure, I think I'm ready now. But let's get something to eat first, so you won't be working with an empty stomach," said Mangle.
"Alright," Springtrap shrugged. The two of them left the room and went to the kitchen.

"Where have you been, Mangle?!" Chica asked as she took a bite of her pizza.
"Oh, um... I was just in my room, sleeping," Mangle lied. Toy Chica raised an eyebrow, "Really? We just checked your room a while ago, and you weren't in there." Mangle lowered her head and blushed, "Um, I left to...crawl around for a bit..."
Toy Chica sighed, "Mangle, why are you lying? It's okay to tell us! We're your friends, we can keep secrets, you know that!"
"Is it bad?" Chica asked.
"No. I'm getting fixed..." Mangle told them. Chica and Toy Chica looked at her, surprised.
"W-what? can't be fixed...I don't think..." said Chica.

"I can now. Springtrap found a box hidden somewhere, with all of my parts in it, and he got me a new endoskeleton from that closet in the basement. He's gonna try to fix me, he knows how, and he's doing it by himself too...I hope it works..." said Mangle.
Toy Chica smiled, "Aw, that's nice! I'm so happy to hear that! There's another way to fix you, that's great! When are you getting fixed?"
"After I eat. I'm tired of waiting," Mangle replied.
"We're really happy for you, Mangle! This is amazing! You'll get to walk again! Springtrap is so nice for doing this, you're so lucky!" said Chica.
"Hehe, yep," Mangle grinned.
"Watcha guys talking about this time?" Foxy walked over to them, resting his hand on their table.
Toy Chica sighed, "What do you want this time?"
"Yeah, can't you see we're having a conversation, like you should be having with the guys over there?" Chica pointed to the show stage, where Bonnie showed the other guys his guitar skills.
Foxy rolled his eyes, "They're not even talking, they're just sitting there, being boring! And plus, Bonnie's guitar is annoying me."
"Oh you poor, POOR thing, what do you want us to do? Take Bonnie's 'toy' away?" Toy Chica looked at Foxy with her arms crossed.
"And if they're being boring, go find something that's not boring! Instead of coming over here to invade our privacy!" Chica glared at him.
Foxy glared at her back, "Hey, I can come over here whenever I like! You don't OWN this spot, you know!"
"Um, actually, we DO. Puppet AND Goldie said we can have this table to ourselves, there's still plenty of others for you guys to sit at, but us girls need our privacy sometimes," said Toy Chica.
"Foxy, are you going to leave, or are you just going to keep running your mouth to us for no reason?" Chica asked.
Foxy growled, "Why you-"

While the three of them kept arguing, Mangle sighed and quietly went to the "Parts and Service room". But when she opened the door, Springtrap was already in there, looking through the box with her suit in it.
"Oh, hey Springtrap. I didn't know you were already in here," Mangle said to him, feeling awkward.
"Don't mind me, I'm just getting everything ready. You can still come in..." Springtrap said as he dug through the parts. Mangle shut the door and sat on the table, looking in the box.
"Welp, Chica and Toy Chica are in another fight with Foxy, so I just came in here..."
"Yeah, it's probably best if you stay away from all of that. Did he bother you?" Springtrap asked.
"No, he was too busy trying to give lectures to my two best friends. Does anyone know that you're going to fix me?" Mangle asked him.
"I have Puppet's and Goldie's permission, a few people know, but it doesn't really matter. So you wanna start now?" Springtrap looked at her.
Mangle nodded, "Yeah, alright. But how long will it take?"
"Uh, about a week, maybe. I'm not really sure, we'll have to wait and see. But don't worry, this'll work, just have faith. If something does go wrong, I'll get help, and I'll let you punch me after you wake up!"
Mangle laughed, "Okey then."

Mangle laid down and waited for Springtrap to switch her off, and when he did, everything went black...

Springle part 1: I'm Mangled for You!Where stories live. Discover now