Chapter 11

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     Mangle stared at Springtrap in confusion, "W...what? W-why?"
Springtrap sighed deeply, "Mangle, I almost KILLED someone, I don't think I'm safe to be around now, I feel like I'm losing my mind! Now, I'm not SURE if I WANT to be with you or not, but that doesn't matter. I can't be in a relationship with you at all, I'm not even sure if I should be around anyone! I could attack someone again, and I can't even control it! Look, I think you're beautiful and amazing, you're the greatest friend I've ever had, you helped me be happy. But now everyone's lives are on the line! There's not gonna be any time for fun, or love, I think you all should stay away from me...for your own safety. I don't know when it'll happen again, or when it'll stop, but I just really don't want to hurt anyone else, especially you, I don't want to get too attached to you...I don't deserve you, Mangle, none of this is on you, it's all me. You can be mad at me if you want, it's better than me hurting you...but I just hope you understand. I'm...a monster...and no one should be around me, even if they want to help me, I think it'll just make things worse...I could get worse..."
Mangle sighed, "Alright. I think I understand, but what I don't understand is why you would think we shouldn't help you, we're your friends and we care about you! And if this is Purple Guy we're dealing with, then we're DEFINITELY not gonna let you go through this alone! You're family too, and you matter to us! Your brother just brought you back, and I think we both know for a fact that he won't let you die again! Look, I know you're scared that you'll hurt someone else, but just know that no matter what happens, we'll always get through this together, all of us! And I also know for a fact that you are NOT a monster, you're one of the most sweetest and most caring people I know! You couldn't understand what was happening around you at first, but now you know exactly what's happening and who is doing it, and I know you can try to fight this monster inside of you, the one that's forcing you to hurt people! Don't ever doubt yourself, that's how you can easily lose this fight, by giving in. I believe you can do it, Springtrap, but if you still don't want me around you, then fine. I'm gonna leave now, but I want you to think about what I've told you..."
Mangle turned around, opened the door, and left without looking back at him one more time, closing the door.
Springtrap sighed and hung his head back, "I hate this..."

     Foxy sat in the back room against the wall, staring into space, with a bandaged arm and neck. Suddenly, the door opened and Toy Chica popped in and placed a plate of pizza next to him without saying a word. She was about to turn around and leave, but Foxy blurted, "Wait..." 
T.C sighed and turned to face him with an annoyed look on her face, "What?"
"I-is Mangle okay?" Foxy asked, looking up at her.
Toy Chica raised an eyebrow, "Oh, she's fine, she's doing just fine, even after you attacked her hours ago."
"Oh come on! It was an accident, I swear-!"
"Oh yeah, SURE. You ACCIDENTALLY scratched her, kicked her, and bit her-!"
"I JUST WANTED HER TO LOVE ME!" Foxy yelled at her.
Toy Chica went silent for a minute and then said, "You can't FORCE someone to love you, Foxy. How could she possibly love you after EVERYTHING you've done to her? If you were trying to love her and change, then you did it the completely wrong way. Haven't you ever thought about how she felt? Do you even care about her feelings, or is it just her appearance? You know what you should've done? STAY AWAY FROM HER. You should've given her enough space so she would've felt more comfortable around you and maybe accept you as a friend, not LOVE you, but maybe forgive and accept you, but nooooo, you had to go and do the opposite of that. You're the reason why everyone hates you right now! No one is going to forgive you unless you ACTUALLY try to change and be a better person. You know you still have a chance to do that, just don't screw it up, think before you act."
Foxy glared at her as she walked towards the door, she said, "Enjoy your pizza," before closing the door and locking it. Foxy growled.

     "Hey babe, have you seen Mangle anywhere?" T.C asked Toy Bonnie as she approached him.
"Uh, I think I saw her go outside," Toy Bonnie replied.
"Thanks," T.C kissed him on the cheek before going over to Chica.
"Hey, you wanna go check on Mangle? I think she's outside," said Toy Chica.
Chica nodded and they both went outside, climbed up the ladder onto the roof, and saw Mangle sitting on the edge, looking sad.
"Hey Mangle, you okay?" Chica asked as they walked over to her and sat beside her. Mangle didn't say anything, she didn't even look at them.
Toy Chica frowned, " about Springtrap?"
Mangle sighed, "He knew..."
"What? Knew what?" Chica asked.
"Springtrap knew I liked him...but he didn't want to...go out with me..." Mangle told them. Chica and Toy Chica both looked at her, surprised.
"What? Why?" T.C asked.
"Because he's scared he's gonna hurt me, after what he did to Foxy, he's afraid to be around anyone and thinks we should all stay away from him! He said he wasn't sure if he liked me back, but he thinks that I shouldn't even be around him, he's afraid of hurting another person...I think he's starting to doubt that anyone can help him with his problem..." Mangle explained to them.
"Aw, I'm really sorry Mangle...I really thought-"
"Wait, what problem? What problem does he have?" Chica asked her.
Mangle sighed, "Well, I guess I should go ahead and tell you guys, everyone's gonna know soon anyway...but, promise you won't freak out TOO much?"
T.C and Chica nodded, Mangle started explaining everything Springtrap told her.

Springle part 1: I'm Mangled for You!Where stories live. Discover now