Chapter 1

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Jet the Hawk was admiring a blue cube he got from his father until Storm the Albatross barged in.

Storm: Hey, boss! We've got some major trouble!

Wave: Storm! At least learn to knock before entering a room.

Storm: What's this? Oh, is this...?

Jet: Yeah, that's when I took over things for my father.

Wave: So, is this the key to the fabled Babylon Garden?

Storm: I wonder... Could it be true? Could our ancestors have left behind hidden treasure that's just waiting to be discovered?

Jet: Yeah.

Wave: Hmm...

Storm: Uh uh! If you get your greasy little hands on this, you'll probably use it in some crazy experiment of yours.

Wave: Oh come on! I just wanna look at it.

Storm: You always say you ONLY want this, or that! Do you remember the teachings of our ancestors: "Be careful what you ask for, ultimately you'll only get 3 true wishes."

Jet: Oh, be quiet! Storm, why'd you burst in here anyway?

Storm: Well, uh... an egg ...head? Team... Jet plane? Egg... salad..., No...

Wave: Some folks called Eggman and Team Rocket want to speak to you...

Storm: They told me that they have a interesting proposition for you.

Wave: Stop interrupting... Knock it off!

Storm and Wave: Humph!

Jet: Ugh.

Eggman: Ahem... Are we interrupting anything?

Jet: So then, I heard you four wanted to see me?

Jessie: You're the legendary rogue, Jet! Your reputation so precedes you. We've known about your infamous group.

Jet: Enough! What do y'all want?

James: We heard about some key to Babylon Garden. Is this true?

Jet: What key?

Meowth: Ha ha! You don't need to be distrusting, anyway I heard that the key to Babylon Garden is...

Meowth whispered the key to Babylon Garden.

Jet: So, we need to get these things called Chaos Emeralds? Easy.

Eggman: You really think so, eh?

Jet: Are you saying that the Babylon Rogues aren't capable of stealing puny emeralds?

Jessie: No, you've seen these characters before?

James: This boy is known as Ash Ketchum, he's been foiling our plans to capture the wimpy Pikachu.

Eggman: This guy is called Sonic, known as the world's fastest creature. I've had many dreadful encounters with that blue pest.

Jet: He may be the world's fastest creature on the ground, but on air, with me and my Extreme Gear, he's just a joke. Aha ha ha ha ha!

Meanwhile on Future City

Ash: Where are those Chaos Emeralds?

Tails: I think the signal is coming from around here?

The tracker showed something jamming the signal.

Misty: What's going on?

Tails: Something must be jamming the radar signal.

Sonic: Huh?

Pikachu: What's that over there?

Tails: Sonic! The emerald is over there!

Sonic: Alright! Now we're talking!

Sonic was blocking Jet's way but Jet dodged him, Knuckles punched Storm off his Extreme Gear.

Tails: Is that?

Knuckles: Shoot!

Brock: After those three, Sonic!

Sonic: Will do!

Sonic went after Jet and the gang and chased each other.

Jet: Not bad.

Sonic: What the?

Jet dashed into Sonic and he fell off Storm's Extreme Gear.

Jet: So, you're supposed to be the fastest thing alive?

Sonic: Oh, new competition!

The next day

Eggman: Ho ho ho ho ho!

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles: EGGMAN!

Ash, Misty and Brock: TEAM ROCKET!

Eggman: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome everyone! We hope you're all ready for a show. We've got an exciting event just for you. Ho ho ho ho!

Meowth: We decided to spice things up a little, the EX World Grand Prix! A tournament to see who's the best of the best with Extreme Gear!

James: And to see who's the fastest. These races are no holds barred!

Jessie: The entry fee is one Chaos Emerald, and it's winner takes all.

Eggman: Who dares to meet this challenge? Maybe you could.

Wobbuffet: WOBBUFFET!

The screen turned off.

Sonic: What are they up to this time?

Ash: It better not have something to do with taking Pikachu.

Meowth: Wait, before I forget, we have current contestants. The best racers we could find.

The pictures showed Storm, Wave and Jet.

Sonic: Hey, that's... The EX World Grand Prix? Let's do this!

Ash: Great job Sonic! You won! Looks like we can move on to the next race.

To be continued...

Next time Sonic and the gang will be preparing for the next race on the EX World Grand Prix. See you later folks!

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