Chapter 1

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Put the song here since it is always stuck in my head, but anyways please enjoy!!


Pulling into the store's parking lot y/n heard the doors unlocking meaning it was time for her to get out and head up to the locker room. "Bye mom, love you" y/n said leaning over getting a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you too, have a good shift" her mom said.

Getting out of the SUV, y/n then grabbed her bag with her apron and shoes from the back seat then closed the door and started to head inside. Walking inside she headed toward the back of the store so she could head upstairs to get the rest of her stuff on.

Finally upstairs y/n unlocked her locker and started to put her purse and other bag on a hook then took off her winter coat and put it on the other hook.

After changing into her work shoes, putting on her apron and putting on her hair net and hat she headed back down since it was time for her shift to start. After clocking in the she opened the door which faced the kitchen but walked to the door on her right since through that door was the deli where she works.

But when she walked through the door instead of being behind the deli counter she was in what seemed to be a high school.

"What in the world?"  y/n thought to herself.

Looking around, y/n saw a banner that said Seabrook Cheer on it and then she started to get pretty confused.

"Seabrook is from Zombies, it isn't even a real school but how could I have even gotten here?" y/n questioned herself.

Finding a restroom, y/n went in being lucky that there was no one else in there and looked into one of the four mirrors seeing that she now has white hair instead of her usual dark brown hair and she was wearing the Seabrook's cheer uniform and looked down to see that she at least had her own Nfinity cheer shoes which made her little bit comfortable knowing she had something of her own.

Y/n took a few slow deep breaths before exiting the restroom. Walking out the door she bumped into someone and looking up she saw Pearce Joza or as she should say Wyatt but he looked at her with a strange look and just when he was about to say something Addison's name was called which made the two of them jump seeing as you should say Bri quickly walking towards them.

"Come on Adi, we have to head to last period, we can't be late for our test on Shakespeare" Bri said facing y/n and then looked at Wyatt with a scared look on her face.

She was then dragged off towards the English classroom by Bri while contemplating why she called her Adi. "Why does she think that I'm Addison?" y/n thought to herself.


Watching the two girls heading toward the classroom, he was now even more confused hearing Bri call that girl Addison.

"Just what is going on?" He said to himself quietly.


One Hour Later


"How do you think you did on the test Adi?" Bri asked y/n.

"I feel pretty confident that I did well, how about you?l" y/n asked her shyly.

"I think that I did good" Bri replied.

Y/n then flashed her a shy smile not knowing what to do.

"Well i'll meet you in the gym, it will be great having you run today's practice" Bri said.

Waving good-bye the two girls and other students leaving the classroom, y/n was now walking aimlessly in the school's hallways not knowing where to go until she saw Milo or as she should be calling Zed standing at a pink locker which made her quickly realize that it must be Addison's locker. She then quickened her pace toward the locker and who is supposedly her now boyfriend at the current moment.

"Hey Addison, how is my favourite girl doing?" Zed said to Y/n.

"I'm alright, just need to get ready for practice" Y/n told him opening the locker that luckily did not have a lock on it.

"That's great, just wanted to say good luck before going with Eliza to do some president campaigning" Zed told her putting his arm around her shoulder.

Y/n shyly nodded grabbing her cheer bag from her locker.

"I should go get changed so i'm not late" Y/n told him while closing the locker door.

"Alright i'm gonna head outside to wait for Eliza, talk to you later" Zed said kissing her lightly on the forehead then left for the school's entrance.


10 minutes later


"Hey everyone sorry i'm late, but let's get practice started" Y/n said to everyone.

"Ummm... Adi" Bri said pointing behind Y/n.

Turning around she saw the wolf pack sitting on the bleachers but who really caught her eye was Wyatt who she bumped into this morning. She then walked over to them asking them to join them to see if they enjoy it and they quickly agreed. Y/n wanted to keep everything on track of what happened in the movie so that maybe at the end she will be able to get back home.

"Alright, let's start with making stunt groups and do some Double Bases then we will move on from there" Y/n told everyone.

Knowing that the pack don't know how to stunt, she at least wanted to start with the basics.

About an hour into practice they got up to making a mini routine with just 8 counts.

Going through the routine Lacey did the 8 counts as she didn't want to be part of the routine while "Addison" was running practice instead of her.

Ending the routine with a toe touch basket, Y/n landed in the cradle leaning more towards Wyatt since that is what happened in the movie. But as he was holding her they stared into each other's eyes and Y/n's heart started to flutter thinking about how handsome he was. But quickly realizing what she was thinking she got out of his hold landing her feet onto the gym floor.

"Alright everyone that was a good practice, see you all on Thursday!" Y/n told everyone.

As mostly everyone had left the gym, there was still one other person other than herself in the gym which was Wyatt. Just as she was about to grab her bag her hand was grabbed and was pulled to turn around to face the only other person in the room.

"Who are you really?" Wyatt asked her.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, more will be up soon!!

A Unforgettable Love Story (Reader x Pearce Joza/Wyatt)Where stories live. Discover now