Chapter 3

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A few hours later Y/n was still sitting in the living room even though she had finished the homework she was given she was contemplating in her thoughts trying to figure out any logical answers on how not only her but also Pearce on how they ended up in this world but there isn't any as it is impossible. Then she heard light tapping on the window behind the white couch that she was sitting on and when she turned around she noticed that it was Pearce which made her smile.

She quickly but quietly opened up the front door for him as the adults were upstairs asleep.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Y/n asked him.

"I just needed to get out of there, Willa and Wynter think I am doing my rounds in the Forbidden Forest" Pearce answered her.

Y/n gestured him to come in but told him that they need to be quiet so they don't wake up the parents.

"It's so hard knowing that we can't even contact our family and friends to tell them that we are okay" Y/n said sitting back down on the couch with Pearce following.

"I know, the first few days were really hard for me too and it is still hard but it is easier to deal with now then before" Pearce explained.

"Well at least we both know that we have each other now" Y/n said smiling brightly at him.

"Yeah, makes it a little bit easier knowing I have someone with me in this weird situation that we have gotten into" Pearce told her smiling back at her.


The next morning


Y/n slowly opened her eyes and as she started to sit up she felt a sharp pain shoot through her neck and then she realized that she was still downstairs on the coach. Looking to her right she saw Pearce asleep beside her then she started to shake him.

Pearce started to slowly wake up and looked up to see Y/n in front of him which made him quickly move into a sitting position.

"What time is it?" he asked.

Checking her phone that was on the coffee table read to be 5:00 am.

"I should head back to the Wolf Den, i'll probably be getting an ear full from Willa once I get there" Pearce said.

"Yeah and if the parents come down to see you here it won't end well but i'll see you in a while at school" Y/n said and he nodded.

After Pearce left, Y/n headed upstairs to her bedroom and as she quietly closed her door she could hear the adults getting out of bed. She felt a sense of relief knowing that Pearce got out in just a nick of time and she then started to get ready for the day.

While she was getting changed she decided to wear a pair of darker blue jeans, a sweater with lines of different pinks, greys and whites as well as a pair of toms and put her hair up with a black scrunchie.

While she was getting changed she decided to wear a pair of darker blue jeans, a sweater with lines of different pinks, greys and whites as well as a pair of toms and put her hair up with a black scrunchie

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For make up she decided to just put on some foundation, mascara and eyeliner just to keep it simple as she didn't feel like doing a full face of makeup.

Heading back downstairs she could smell the nice aroma of pancakes filling the room as she entered the kitchen.

"Mmm, smells delicious" Y/n said.

"You came down just in time, breakfast is ready" said Addison's mom as she started placing three plates of three pancakes each on the table.

Sitting down at the table Y/n grabbed the maple syrup and put some on each of her pancakes then started to eat.

"This is making me miss mom's pancakes"   Y/n thought to herself while eating.

Finishing up her pancakes Y/n put her plate in the sink then went into the living room to grab her finished homework off of the table and put it into her bag then picked up her cheer bag that was sitting right beside her school bag.

Saying goodbye to the parents, Y/n then headed to school to start her day.


2 Hours later


Finishing up second period, Y/n started to make her way down to the library since she wasn't really that hungry.

Reaching the library she took a book off of the shelf that caught her eye that seemed like a good book to read. She went to sit at a table where there was no one really around her so she could have some more peace and quiet.

About a chapter and a half into the book Y/n heard people start to crowd around the table that she was sitting at and when she looked up she saw the wolf pack surrounding her. Y/n started to look around her frantically and started to panic as she hates being in closed in spaces. Willa and Wynter moved in closer to her.

"So white hair, where is our moon stone?" Willa asked right beside her ear.

But Y/n couldn't answer as she started to hyperventilate being closed in with no way out which Pearce standing behind Willa quickly noticed.

"Everyone give her some space" Pearce told the pack but they didn't listen.

Noticing that she was going into a full on panic attack, Pearce pushed Wynter and Willa away from her which angered Willa but he didn't care as he knew that the most important thing to do was to get Y/n out of the library away from the pack.

Grabbing Y/n he shuffled his way through until he was able to get the two of them to the door of the library to get out. Opening the door they quickly left while Pearce was still holding Y/n trying to calm her down.

They reached a quiet hallway where there wasn't really anyone.

"Y/n, it's okay" Pearce told her still holding her close to him while rubbing her back to try and calm her down.

Y/n hugged him wanting to stay in his comforting warm embrace.

After a few minutes Y/n had calmed down but still didn't want to leave Pearce's arms but decided to start to pull out of the hug but Pearce wasn't ready to let go yet as he has been needing this for quite awhile and now that he is finally getting it he just isn't ready to let go which Y/n was perfectly fine with as she continued to hug him back again.

Not long after they both let go.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I was trying to convince Willa to let me just talk to you but that didn't turn out very well" Pearce apologized.

"It's okay really, how were you supposed to know that would happen" Y/n said trying to reassure him.

"When I saw you starting to have a panic attack I was afraid that I wasn't going to be able to get you out of there but thankfully it worked out" Pearce told her.

"Thank you for saving me back there, it was just like I was frozen and I couldn't move" Y/n said.

"I'm just glad I got you out of there in time" He told her.

Then the warning bell rang telling everyone that it was time to get themselves to class.

"I'll see you after school?" Y/n asked

"For sure i'll meet you by your locker after last period, I need to stay away from the pack for awhile they are really getting on my nerves right now especially after what just happened" Pearce told her.

"Alright, i'll see you then" Y/n said.

Smiling at each other they both said their goodbyes then headed their separate ways to the last to classes of the day.

A Unforgettable Love Story (Reader x Pearce Joza/Wyatt)Where stories live. Discover now