Alone With You

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A whole month has passed since the fair and everything has been going well, Connie and I are doing well. We tried straying away from Jennifer but she's our friend so we couldn't stray away for long, I loved holding Connie's hand and knowing she's my girlfriend. School was going well although not that many things were going on, Isabella never answered me about the pregnancy test so now I'm sure that it was fake or she got one herself. I didn't want to ask again so I just gave up on it. Connie is gonna go compete for state soon and I can't wait for that because I'm going to cheer her one. I haven't been this happy in a while, it is unbelievable that I feel like this. My heart always feels warm and jumpy every time I'm next to her, I'm not going to lie when I say, but I feel complete with her. Connie was the missing puzzle piece that I needed to complete.

It was a Saturday, nothing special going on in the morning as of now but Connie and I are going to the mall in a couple of hours so I decided to walk to Isabella's house to hang out with her before I go. I texted Isabella that I was gonna go and she said it was fine, I made it in a couple of minutes, once I was there I knocked on her door, then she opened it and I went in. We walked to her room and went inside I saw her record player and I saw the "Disco" CD I had given her a while ago, I picked it up and said "Let's play this" but Isabella said no she wanted me to tell her about Connie, but either way I put on the CD and sat next to her on the bed.

"So, you and Connie huh?" Isabella said with a smile

"Yeah Connie and I are great," I said

"So what do you like about her?" Isabella asked

"Basically everything, she's so nice and thoughtful. Connie is just a good person, I can talk to her about anything and she understands. We could be dumb together, make fun of each other without getting mad." I said

"That's nice, anything else?" Isabella asked

"What do you want to know?" I asked her

"Just tell me anything about her," Isabella asked

"Um she's the only child, her house is big but small at the same time. I don't know what to say," I said in confusion

"Why did you start dating her?" Isabella asked while she got close

"Um, I actually liked her... she's pretty and nice and she treats me good," I said while leaning back

"So what would you do if you broke up with her?" Isabella asked

"Uh, I don't know. Isabella, this is weird, can't we do something normal?" I said

"I'm sorry I just wanted to know, anyways what was that all about with Jennifer?" Isabella asked with a smile

"I'm going to be honest, I have no clue," I said with a little chuckle

"That was out of nowhere," Isabella said with a small laugh

I felt a little weirded out by that little conversation but we then started to watch "That 70s Show", we ate some snacks and laughed. We were having fun and I had forgotten how this felt because it has been so long since we have hung out like this. I got a text from Connie saying she was ready and that she would pick me up in an hour or so, in the meantime Isabella and I played music throughout the house, made stupid videos, and just had fun while trashing her house. We were messing around as if we were 4 years old and we both couldn't get enough of it, we went outside to sit on one of her tables and played board games while listening to music as well, then we messed around even more and recorded more dumb videos of each other. Connie texted me to tell me she was on her way but I told her that if she could pick me up from Isabella's house and she said it was fine. I told Isabella that I was going to leave soon but she got sad.

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