2: Xavier

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(Picture of Xavier)

My parents leave and I walk to my room. I open the door and see a guy I there. "You must be my roommate." He says. "I have a guy for a roommate? You better be gay." "Sorry. I'm not gay. CoEd rooms. So it's not just you with a guy roommate." He shrugs.

"Oh my God." I say sitting down on the bed.

"What? Did I do something wrong?"


"Then why are you upset?"

"I just don't want a boy as my roommate. And I don't want to lose my virginity at a fucking school."

"If it makes you feel any better. I'm still a virgin, too."

"You are."

"Yeah. You keep your virginity u TIL you are seventeen."

"Well, I'm seventeen."

"So am I, but I managed to fake being sick, so I didn't have to lose it."

I put my head in my hands. He sits beside me. "I'm Xavier."


"I think this is going to be the being of a great friendship." He says smiling.

I smiled and looked down. "Maybe it is."



"Since your new here. How would you like to have a tour?"

"Sure." we walk out the room and walk around.

"What's that over there?" I looked at the cabin. "Nobody knows. Only the Headmaster." I nodded as we kept walking.

"This is the food court. Anything you like, they have here." He says. I nodded.

We go upstairs. "Core and Manner classes are up here." I nodded again. "Super boring by the way."

"I can tell."

"But I have an A."

I nodded.

We go to the basement. It had a bunch of rooms with glass doors.

"What's this?"

"Sex classes."

"So you have sex in there?"

"Not really. Just fingering, blowjobs, stuff like that."

"Okay..." I shivered in disgust. "That's just..."

"Weird. I know, but after a while it becomes second nature." He shrugs.

I nodded. "Can we get out of here now?"

He nods and we leave. "One more place." He says.

"Which is?"

"The Hangout. Where all the kids have parties and get drunk." He smirks and opens the door.



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