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'Where was he? Someone needs to be with him!' Camari runs through the crowded war zone dodging swords, air borne weapons, devil fruit attacks and the pressure of haki. She rushes through only wanting to find her most treasured person, Camari can see nothing other than her mission and she doesn't notice when a stray lighting rod pierces her lungs.

She falls to the ground, skidding a few metres before stopping. "Camari!" Screamed a voice, it was a man dressed in a dragon red and brilliant gold soldiers uniform and he was running towards her fallen body. Upon reaching her he cradles the small body onto his lap, wiping the mud that had become entangled in her blonde hair, turning it a dark clumping mess from her face. "You were told to stay in the castle! You stupid girl!" The man scolded, his voice shaking. "Come on Camari, just because your injured doesn't mean you can die, not on my watch. That man will kill me and you know it!" He shook the body in his arms, she still wasn't moving, this should not have been possible, these types of injuries are not meant to be fatal to her any longer. A swirl of dust hides them from the ongoing battle around them and the soldier allows himself a moment of weakness as he pulls her closer, letting a tear fall from his aged green eye.

"Mm, Jobu that hurts." A small voice mumbled. The soldier, Jobu, let her go, a wrecked smile now gracing his sweat soaked face. Before they could say anything further, a black blast came hurling at them. Jobu stood up, taking a protective stance in front of the still dazed Camari. Using his naginata coated in armament haki he fends off the attack.

"Oh I guess I should expect that of the commander hm? Aye Jobu!" The attacker laughed, "But that girl is important to your king so I'll be taking care of her before she becomes more troublesome." The attacker readied himself into a fighting position once again, using this chance Jobu picked up Camari and scrambled away from the battle.

As they were running Jobu speaks to Camari "Listen here Cam, don't get caught by that mans Yami Yami no Mi okay?" He side steps an attack, shoves his weapon into the ground swings around it and kicks the enemy in the face sending them flying off the island. Camari nods, gripping Jobu's shoulder cape. "Hey everything will be okay Camari, our king is powerful and has a lot of promises to keep, he will not be kicking the bucket soon." Jobu attempts to console the little girl of 13 years with a warm smile and a pat of the head but all the blonde girl could do was respond with a stern nod as she attempted to stop her tears from falling. Jobu shook his head but took the opportunity to look at where the attack struck, but there was nothing left. He let out a sigh and smiled to himself.

Another shot of pure black shot at the pair but this time Jobu could not dodge and was being sucked into the darkness, without a moments hesitation he grabs Camari "Live on" he whispers to her before throwing her out of the darkness and back into the world that wasn't any less dark. When Camari regained a sense of self, she looked back to where the solider should have been but now it was just a pool darkness. "JOBU!" She screamed, the tears falling down her face blurring her sight. Not a moment later the wielder of the Yami Yami no Mi shouted out "You can't run from me little girl!"

Camari looked towards the man with the most powerful glare she could manage, the man held his hands to his chest in a mocking 'oh how you have offended me', before creating a swirl of black around his hands and she was floating through the air at a too unnatural speed guiding her closer and closer to the man when a body is tossed in front of her stopping her movement and dropping her. Taking in deep shuddered breaths she looks to her left where another solider was standing "You can't have the kings ward!" They shouted.

This only seem to infuriate the attacker as he sent out another pool of darkness and sucked in dozens of people around him, not caring whether they were friend or foe. The darkness was creeping towards Camari, it seized her being as she was pulled started to surface again but she had yet to float. Her eyes widened, knowing she could not escape her fate. She shuts her eyes, remembering Jobu's words "You can't be caught! Live on". She focuses on those words, wanting to apologise for not being able to follow through when a jolt of pain seizes inside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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