A Party of Two

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                     You wake up and sit on the side of the bed with a moderate headache. "Urgh, I am so.... hungover from last night's party." "... it was worth it though." You notice a glass of water and some Aspirin on your nightstand, along with a note that says, "This should help with the hangover." You weakly smile. He's always looking out for me. You take the aspirin and slightly feel better. You trudge to the kitchen to get something to eat out of the fridge. You open the fridge and as usual, the fridge is relatively empty, 'I'll have to go buy groceries sometime soon." you say to yourself as you close the fridge door. Hands suddenly cover your eyes and a familiar voice asks you, "Guess what today is." "...Tuesday?" you reply, slightly confused. "No silly, it's your birthday." The hands remove from your eyes and reveal a small cake with candles. The voice reveals itself to be Fred as he walks out from behind you to the table and lights the candles on the cake. Fred is your roommate that you've stayed with for a while now. He always looks out for you. You were grateful for that. "How's that hangover?" he asks. "It's getting better, you reply, "Thanks for the pill." "No problem," Fred says, "Someone's gotta look out for you." "I can look out for myself," you say. Fred grabs a book from the shelf and holds it up to you, "What does this say?" He points to the text on the cover of the book. You try to make out the letters but your mind is still in a haze. "Uh... it says..." your voice trails off and you give a sigh of defeat. Fred chuckles and says, "Eating some cake should help with that." Fred goes into the bedroom and comes back with some sort of paper in his hand. "Guess what I got," he says as he flashes two tickets from his hands, "Two tickets to the local amusement park." "Awesome," you say, as your eyes light up. "After you finish eating, we can head there." You finish what was left on your plate and put the rest of the cake into the fridge. 

                        You and Fred both head outside and enter your car. You sit in the passenger's seat while Fred sits on the driver's side. You decided not to drive because you still felt a little woozy. Fred starts up the car and drives off. After a while of driving, you both arrive at the amusement park, exit the car, and walk up to the entrance of the park. The park attendant welcomes you and Fred gives him the two tickets. The attendant in exchange gives you both wristbands. He informs you that the wristbands give you unlimited access to all of the rides in the park. "Sweet," you say as you quietly fist pump to yourself. As you enter the fair, you are both hit with senses of nostalgia. It reminds you of your childhood, where you first met Fred. After entering the park, you see the first attraction that you want to do, the carousel. You enter the ride and sit on a horse adjacent to Fred. The ride starts up and you and the horses rhythmically move up and down in a stampede of harmony. You are filled with a sense of child-like joy. After a small nostalgia trip, the ride comes to a stop and you both exit. "That was nice," Fred said with a smile, "What do you want to do next?" You think for a moment before pointing to one of the rides that spin. "I guess we could do the 'spinny rides.' " Your eyes light up, "Woah, one of them is bear themed," you exclaim as you both begin to head to the ride. You flash your wristbands to the ride attendant and enter the bear-themed capsule. The ride slowly starts up, gaining velocity with each spin until the ride is at full force, playfully pushing you back into your seat, making your stomach do backflips inside of you. You see a wheel in the middle of the capsule and decide to spin at full force to the left. The capsule, separate from the rest of the ride, spins forcefully in the opposite direction of which the ride is spinning. More adrenaline pumps through your system as you feel as if you were floating. After a few moments of fuzziness, the ride slowly comes to a stop. You stumble a bit as you get off but Fred keeps you upright. You quickly come to your senses as Fred asks "Do you want to get some food?" "Sure, I'm down for some churros right now," you reply as you both head to the food stands. As you arrive at the food stand, you both decide on what to order. "I'm going to order some nachos and some cherry shaved ice. How about you (Y/N)?" "Hmm," you pause, "I guess I'll get a churro and a blue raspberry sno-cone. You tell your orders to the food attendant, pay the amount, and after a small time of waiting, you receive the food. 

A Party of Two (Human!Funtime Freddy x Reader) (FNAF)Where stories live. Discover now