Chapter 1

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"Please I really don't wanna be around guys!" I begged Amaya.

"Haley! first they are super chill and girl they are
Mighty fine!" Amaya geeked.

"Fine, but if I wanna leave. We leave. Got it." I demand. She held up her pinky. I connected mine to it. Amaya has been recently hanging out with these guys she met at a party. She's been non stop talking about them for weeks and she's been bugging me to meet them. To be honest I didn't want to. I just didn't want to be around guys at all. They're
Dumbasses plus I just got my heart broken by one.

"You ready!" Amaya shouted from the bottom of my stairs.

"Yeah!" I yelled back. I grabbed my things and headed down the hall but before I left I said bye to my mom. Yes. I'm 19 and stop living with my mom, but it's not like I couldn't afford a place. It's just my mom and dad just recently split up and she's been...not her self. So I want to take her if her as much as possible.

"Hey mom, I'm heading out." I said walking into her room. It was weird. The bed seemed so big with just her in it.

"Okay, be safe. I love you." She said kissing my cheek.

"Love you to mom." I said closing the door on the way out. I felt so bad for her. I mean who wants to find their husband making out with his assistant. NO ONE!

"You good!" Amaya Asked as we were silent the whole car ride. I nodded.

"Girl, I'm so excited for you to finally meet all them!" Amaya said pulling into there driveway. I looked out the open window and seen how nice the was for 5 dudes. I'm a bit nervous to see the inside tho. We got out and Amaya just walked in, she didn't even knock.

"Okay so y'all really friends." I joked as we walked in. I was expecting Oder and old spoils food but it smelt like flowers and...Clean! Wow, these guys must be gay.

"Yo!" A loud voice spoke as he walked out a room with his headset and a controller. I smiled politely as Amaya hugged him.

"I'm Caleb, but everyone calls me Zion or Z." He chuckled as his bright smile phased me.

"I'm Haley." I chuckled back.

"Where are the rest of them?" Amaya asked looking around the house. They went to go get some food to  cook out I'm the back, but they should be bac-" Zion said but right as he was finishing his sentence, we heard yelling. The door opened fast and hit me, making me fall to the ground.

"Woah!" Zion said quickly bending down to help me back up.

"Oh shit." A Jersey boy spoke.

"Oh my god." A y'all white boy said also kneeling down.

"See this is why we don't ever have girls wanting to come back here." Edwin said.

"You okay?"Zion asked helping me back up.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." I said trying to rub off the pain on my back.

"Nice going." Amaya said to them as her arms flew up.

"We're really really sorry." Edwin apologized.

"Its fine." I smiled.

"Y'all really don't know how to walk all the way into a house?" A guy said walking in wit h bags of food.

"Well sorry. We just knocked a girl over." The shot Italian chuckled.

"You must be Amaya?" The guy asked as he put down the bags on the floor.

"Yeah." I smiled. He held out his hand to me to shake. He was a gentleman.

"Y'all can help me now." He said looking at the boys. They all grabbed the stuff and put them on the island in the kitchen. The guys all introduced themselves and other than slamming a door into my back, they seemed pretty chill.

"So what do y'all do?" I asked as we sat on the stools as Amaya and I watched them. They all looked at each other and laughed.

"What?" I laughed looking at Amaya.

"I didn't tell her! I didn't want her to make fun of y'all." Amaya laughed.

"What! Y'all strippers or sum?" I joked.

"Well I do have the looks for that." Nick smirked as he leaned over The island in front of me and popped a strawberry in his mouth. Wow. I just rolled my eyes and lightly pushed him back.

"We're a band." Zion said.

"Like 5sos? Or like WDY?" I said trying to hold back my laughed.

"Better than both." Brandon couch. They all looked a me a so was trying to hold back my laughter.

"See." Amaya said.

"Im sorry! I'm sorry! It's not funny." I said placing my hand over my mouth.

"Well what do you even do?" Austin hissed. I stayed silent because I work at Urban Outfitters. Like that compared to a band is pathetic, even if I made fun of them.

"At a place." I said hoping someone would change the subject.

"Okay!" I'll cut the tomatoes!" Amaya. I helped unpack the rest of the food. I took the pact of steak.

"I can cook the steak." I offered.

"No no no. I cook the steak." Nick said taking it from me.

"Well I do to." I said taking it back.

"You Don't know how to work out grill." He said taking it back.

"Wanna bet." I said taking it once more and walking down a hall.

"Wrong way!" Nick laughed.

"I know! I was just taking a different route." I said
Embarrassed as I turned the other way and walking out the back. I went out into the yard and it
Wasn't a bug yard but it wasn't small. I seen the grill and walked over to it. I didn't know to work this thing. I know I said I did but I didn't wanna look dumb. I tried to just press buttons and some how it turned on.

I put the the steak on the grill and heard it sizzling. I think I got this.

"Wow! You found your way out here!" Nick teased as he was clapping.

"I told you, I know what I'm doing." I said bring the specula to his face.

"Really?" He smirked.

"Really." I smirked back.

"Okay I totally believe you!" He teased as he pointed to the grills I turned around and seen them basically on fire.

"Shit.shit.shit" I said quickly running back to the
Grill and trying to fan the flames away.

"Move over sweetheart." He said lightly pushing me away. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms watching him let the fire out.

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