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What the hell am doing, the thought goes through my head as it has for hour. I wake up from dreamless sleep, which was surprising from everything that was on my mind. My dreams are as empty as I feel. I've alternated from listening to music, to writing, to drawing, to trying to sleep, and all failed to distract me. It's 4:30 on the first after school ended, so my initial thought was that was that Jeremiah-tall, dark skin, steel enveloping his heart to prevent it from breaking, the only boy I can be around with wanting to vomit-I expected him not to answer. The phone doesn't ring twice before he answers. 

"Yeah, Kee?" His voice is deep, more so over the phone. 


"That's what the contact name says, right?" He snaps playfully, but I know his heart isn't in it. 

"Don't get smart, jackass." He chuckles, and I can't help but let it rip through my heart. 

"How come your awake?" 

I should really ask him that, but I think I know the answer. "I am in dire need of distraction and fun."  

"Well, you called the right man," he sounds winded, and I can hear air whipping past the phone. 

"Stop calling and skateboarding, Miah." 

He scoffs, "Fine. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Bring your skateboard and a blanket." 

"Okay. Bye, Miah." 

"Bye, Kee." 

5 minutes, even for Jeremiah, is fast. People only run that fast if they are running from someone, or something. It could be plenty of things for Jeremiah, but it could only be one person he'd ever run from. I sigh, and start getting ready. I pull on a baggy white sweater, with black leggings, attaching a chain to the pocket, put on one of Jeremiah's rings; a slim black ring that slips onto my index finger and has J.T carved onto the metal. I grab my phone and keys, along with a thick black blanket, and stuff it into my now empty book bag. I grab my skateboard and head out.

Unlike Jeremiah, who bought his built by a company, I made mine. With his help, but still. The grip tape is black, but the underside is a pink vaporware, which I painted myself. The trudges and wheels were taken off a long board, which makes it look beyond unnatural, and I love it. I go outside quietly, and wait, which I don't have to do for long. In the moonlight, or just anytime he's riding, he looks better. Not that he isn't attractive, god knows he is. But, he looks more peaceful. He looks less like a a living flame being coaxed into a person by his steel shield. More like porcelain being shined by the moonlight. Jeremiah looks at me with his cheeks spreading in a grin. But, as he gets closer, I can see the steel in his eyes, and my heart stretches. His eyes are dark brown, but in the moonlight look dark red and then I'm looking into them, letting my heart twist, until my cheeks hurt from smiling, until he's in front of my breathing heavily. 

"You copied my outfit," are the first words out of my mouth. He blinks, his eyebrows raising. Jeremiahs eyes finally tear away from my own, and look me up and down with what I know is controlled curiosity in his eyes. "Pretty sure you copied me if I was the first one out of the house, Kee." My eyes roll and I walk past him to the road, where I let my board drop under my feet. It immediately goes in between the four nails; months of riding has made it second nature. "Are we going to the stars?" I ask as he does the same next to me. Is it unnatural to be amazed by the simple things someone does? He nods, "Race you there?" I scoff, folding my arms. "That isn't fair! You've been skating since you were 13." I started only 3 months ago. The day is engraved my head memory perfectly, it was the day I kissed him. "It'll be good practice." He laughed, and I could trap the sound in a jar and listen to it for the rest of my life. I can't say no. "Okay. Well, I get a head start!" I suddenly pushed off, shouting past him. Jeremiah cursed and pushed after me. But he was also laughing. And so was I. 

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