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James Potter has just won his last quidditch game of the year. He ended up leading his whole team to victory as the boy seemed as if he couldn't miss the hoops everytime he sent the quaffle flying at them. A girl in the Gryffindor stands smiled softly as the rest of her house freaked out around her. As the team descended, their feet touching the grass as if they were old friends. The redhead girl abandoned her seat in favor of meeting the players as they were walking off the Pitch.

James had grown a lot since his sixth year, the year where his best friend almost condemned his enemy to death, the year where he did something so awful that Severus Snape decided to call his "best friend" Lily Evans a mudblood. James Potter has been a bad person in his sixth year but many sleepless summer nights and stray thoughts of a redhead had motivated him to be better, nicer. Lily Evans likes the new James, in her eyes he was less of a git than the old one. She liked this James just enough to stop him whilst he was headed towards the locker rooms.

"Oi Potter! Nice game."

"T-thanks Lily."

"Anytime James."

"Hey uh not to make anything awkward or to ruin anything but would you maybe wanna go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?"

"I'll think about it."

Lily was always thinking, her mind ran like a bullet train. Part of her was fine with the way she was, but another part was terribly bored, tired of always thinking. So she proceeded to do something that she never thought she would do. Lily Evans pushes herself onto her tip toes and pulled James Potter down by his quidditch robes until his lips met with hers. At first James was too surprised to respond but after a moment he melted into the kiss, his arms finding themselves around her waist and pulling her as close as he could.

"I'll see you in the common room after breakfast."
Lily's voice was raw, she had a slight vocal fry from screaming at the game. All James could do was nod as a smile crossed his face. Man that boy was whipped.

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