Friday November 28th

56 3 2

10:05 AM:

Yay first log entry! I'm very excited for this because I feel like I'll be able to learn a lot about myself!

This morning I awoke to the sound of a crazy little brother and a Santa obsessed mother frantically running around putting thanksgiving decorations away. (If you're a therian you will understand) I woke up sore and groggy from the aftermath of a p shift... I wasn't awake for it but I'm sure it was amazing! Although I was trapped inside my own room I bet it was fun. My paws (I call my hands and feet paws) felt really weird, maybe I stepped on something? Anyways I go downstairs to find my mother with Santa figurines in both hands screaming "IT'S TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!" Holidays are not my thing... Too many people and it stresses me out. Also the fact that my family always fights over everything... And the worst thing about where I live, I live in the suburbs... I can't escape people! There's a small amount of woods near my house which I escape to from time to time. It's very very special to me! It's where I found my spirit guide henki. But that's another story. As I was saying I don't like holidays... All the shopping, cars, Christmas songs, Christmas lights, and the worst of all... OTHER PEOPLE!!! My boyfriend (I love him so much) and I both agree that people are evil. I know some of them aren't and we have a plan to save all them! Our goal is to make this earth a better place! Oh no... she found the bells... my mom found the bells... those jingling balls from hell... please save me!!! Well I'm going to go! I think I've written enough for today. Goodbye for now!

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