phone call

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I get a phone call   I go outside   sure I would love too I hang up love too what Mike speaks up you know you can't hide anything from me   its just a friend  oh really   I see ana I hug her  I go inside  stef conners be in the kitchen  hand over your phone   why  I didn't do anything    can I go out with a friend tonight  I give her my phone  yes be home by 11  I go upstairs  get ready callie please cover I am going out with wyatt  I go downstairs  stef hands me my phone    I go out   lena sits next to stef love what are you doing  tracking claire  she's at wyatt's   I am so glad Mike called callie goes downstairs  shoot she goes and texts me  wyatt kisses me   I am sorry I have to go  I understand   I go home  and we're where you young lady 

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