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Stef packs everyone's bags up Mike gets a wheelchair     comes  to the room ready  yes ana helps me up  sits me in the wheelchair  stef callie Mike wheels me ana signs me out  lena is in the car     Mike wheels me to the car  opens the door  ana gets in the back    Mike picks me up gently sits me down I put my leg on Ana's lap sorry it's ok she kisses my head  Mike gets in the back   stef sits out front  as does callie  we get home   jesus opens the door   I use my crutches  and goes and lays on the couch heres your medicine ana says stef says stay for dinner  I know Claire will like that aboustly  let' us go change they go home and changes  comes back over  I am kinda hungry  I made you lunch Mariana says she gives it to me i eat stef unloads all the flowers  your loved by all callie lays next to me  Mariana as well we missed you jude says I missed you guys as well  do you mind if wyatt comes over I look at Mike

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