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Announcement: I got more inspiration now to make a story of Katsuki and Uraraka again so please enjoy this new story! By the way, warning. This prologue is a little messed up..but yeah enjoy!

(??? p.o.v)

So many thoughts swarmed around my head like bees. It spat out so many comments and I knew I had to do this...I creaked open the door to his room and stepped inside. It reeked of alcohol and his fathers room was a mess. Paintings all on the floor, scratched up walls, alcohol bottles across the floor, food left on the dresser. It was horrible..I was disgusted.. I walked up to the side of my fathers bed and raised the knife slowly over his head. What am I waiting for...just do it...just do it..Within 5 seconds I plunged the knife through my fathers skull and then silence...he stopped breathing..He didn't even open his eyes..he was dead. It was done...I laughed..not so pretty though..a maniac laugh...I was insane..I knew them..but as I laughed tears trickled down my cheek and I cried..so many emotions overwhelmed me. I was happy..sad...angry...all in one..so many emotions I couldn't explain. I dropped the knife and fell on my knees as the blood on my hands ran down my wrists. I stayed there until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around frantically and saw a tall man look down at me..His face was terrifying and his eyes were cold..

"come with me.."

He says in a raspy voice..I don't know this male..I don't know who he is..I don't know If I should trust him. But my body moved on it's own..I stood up and took the males hand gently.  Was this a good idea..? I just...killed my father..but why did it feel...good? Just plunging that knife down forcefully..but no sound..just dead...As my thoughts took control of me for a moment I was now paying at the male holding my hand


He says in a raspy voice again and I was confused..I had no quirk..well..yet...He gave a smirk and I watched him brush his hair back as he crouched down in front of me once he stopped walking and he held my hands gently. He noticed the scars on my arms and he sighed as he chuckled lightly.

"Don't worry child..I will make you great..you will be divine...and you will be my prodigy.."

-End Prologue-

Words total: 392

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