Today was sunny, a bit too sunny for Chan's liking of course because he was just used to all the dark clouds and rainy days that had been going on for the past few weeks or so. Chan was never really the type to talk, every time someone new would come along they would try and talk to him until they eventually stop after realizing he doesn't really talk at all.
Chan was pale, very pale. He was almost paler than the clouds that float aimlessly in the beautiful blue sky. The kids at school mostly know him as the "depressed vampire" because all he does it just sit. He sits there and does absolutely nothing, either that or just drawing random things whenever he felt like it which was a rare sight in the other student's eyes of course.
Chan is a very sweet boy, even some teachers say so. Whenever the teachers would talk about how sweet he is there are always confused eyes on Chan, why may you ask? Well, the boy really does nothing, the students even started to think he was some kind of psychopath that doesn't like to talk in front of other people, or maybe he talks to the teacher's spirits in private, maybe even in his mind because all the does is just stare at the teachers and somehow the teachers aren't that bothered by it..well, at least most of them.
"Chan, would you like to present your work to the other students?" Mr. Lee spoke, immediately startling the pale boy who just blankly stared up at the teacher after giving a small nod that was barely visible, only some would notice if you would pay close attention.
The pale boy slowly got up from his seat, staring straight ahead as he didn't even bother to spare a glance at anyone. Just the teacher. Chan started to take small steps towards the front of the class, the eerie silence taking over the room as you could hear his small footsteps across the room.
Once he arrived at the front of the class he abruptly turned around, scaring a few of the kids by the sudden action. Chan kept a blank face like always, slowly pulling out a small paper behind his back before pushing his eyes through his writing that was awfully hard to read. "Today...I wanted to search for things about koalas and Kangaroos.." The Aussie said rather quietly, very quietly it was almost like a ghost just took over his body or something..or maybe he was just a possessed boy all along.
"The koala only eats Eucalyptus leaves and it eats so many leaves, it smells like the leaves. The koala also will eat 2.5 pounds of food a day.." Chan suddenly spoke, the student's eyes all on him as their eyes showed just complete shock and confusion.
"There are four species of kangaroo, the Red, Antilopine, Eastern Grey and Western Grey Kangaroo." The pale Aussie spoke once again, but it was about the kangaroos. "Red Kangaroos are the largest marsupial and can grow up to 2 meters. Kangaroos also only ever move their hind legs together, however, in the water they kick each leg independently to swim."
Chan mostly seemed to really focus on Australia all the time, the students never really knew why until now. They realized that Chan was actually an Aussie himself, they never knew because the boy that always sat in the back never really talked at all.