And then there was red

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For you lazy farts who haven't read the blurb, this book isn't about stuff, it's about red and red is better than stuff. I would say that my favourite colour isn't in fact red but that would be an indefinite crime so I wont, ill just hint it instead.

This book is dedicated to Satan Organ for the bestest idea in the world of ideas ever. That is the closest I come to compliments.

Its a fanfic incase you havent noticed to the colour red and nothing else. One Direction and all that fart do not exist in my world. This book will have the fifty shades of red (or there abooooots) and I am a very legitimate author btw. Incase anyone was actually wondering. Which they weren't. Clearly. Oh and incase you were wondering...

And I'm not mad, just partially bonkers.

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