Healing spells!

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Healing spell #1

Chant this spell once, and then draw a 2D line art goblet, a pentagram, and an athame (at the end of the book, there will be a glossary so you can understand the meanings of these words) onto a piece of paper:

"Wrap thee in cotton, 

bind thee with love, 

protection from pain

surrounds like a glove.

Brightest of blessings,

surround thee this night, 

for thou art cared for, 

healing thoughts sent in flight."

Healing spell #2

You will need one blue candle and a match/lighter. As you light the candle, say these words:

"In the divine name of the goddess who breathes life into us all, I consecrate and charge this candle as a magical tool for healing." 

While you are saying this, think of the person you want to heal, be it yourself or somebody else. imagine them (or yourself) being completely free of pain and/or sickness. then say:

"Magick mend and candle burn, sickness end, and good health return."

Now, let the candle burn until it goes out by itself. This will signify the spell being complete. It will not go out immediately, it will take just as long as any other candle, so it's probably best to use a smaller one that takes half an hour to burn for best results.

Healing spell #3

You will need three candles, one purple, one blue, and one white. You will need myrrh oil, mint oil, and sandalwood oil. you need three pieces of quartz (must be cleansed), and three small pieces of paper. 

put a little bit of each oil onto each of the candles, and set them up in an even triangle shape. put a little bit of each oil onto all three pieces of quartz and put one in front of each candle. write the name of the ill person on each piece of paper, and place them all in the centre of the triangle. light each candle, and imagine the person who is sick, and think about them being healthy, free of symptoms and functioning fully. Picture them strongly in your mind as the candles burn, and repeat this three times. 

"Magick mend and candle burn, Illness leave and health return." 

Let the candles burn for three hours (I would recommend slightly larger candles for this, the larger the candle, the longer it burns.) and then put them out. The ill person should start to get better, but if you notice them getting ill again, do this ritual three times in a row, and all should be well. 


I hope these spells work for you! They worked for me when I was unwell, so... yeah! comment on how the healing went, and I will find ways of improving these spells. 

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