❦| Chapter 8

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I frowned as Jeongyeon laughed at me. She even slapped her lap many times because of laughing.

"What's funny, Yoo?" I asked with a cold voice that I surprisingly used again.

She became silent and looked at her hands like an innocent child. I sneered at her.

"So, you're saying that...your parents had set your wedding earlier" Jihyo started. I nodded.

"And Y/n doesn't like the idea?" Mina added like a question that made me sigh dejectedly.

In a 5-minute silence, Jihyo suddenly gasped and that startled the heck out of me. Since she was just beside me.

We all gave her a weirded look while she gave us a look of realization.

"Ms. Im Nayeon, tell me...

Have you fallen for the girl, already?"



"Ey!! What are you doing here, my very lovely sistah?!" I greeted Y/n who is sitting comfortable in my bed.

And then, she glared at me.

"You sounded like a complete gay, Kookie" she snarled. Oh, she's not on a good mood.


"I am gay" I told her but she just gave me a bored look.

"Tch, and you're much gayer now" she deadpanned.

I just scratched my head in confusion. Uh, she haven't really answered my question yet.

"So, why are you here? Shouldn't you be with sister-in-la---"

"WHAT?!" Hell, she scared me to death! I think I peed my pants a little. Joke.

"What do you mean 'what'? She's your fiancee, right?" I can swear that confusion is written in my face.

She gave me a death glare before walking out of my room. I just stood in my tracks dumbfoundedly.

"What the hell is wrong with that woman?" I pondered for a little before shrugging my shoulders.

"Good thing that I'm gay. I don't need to handle such moody girls like that"



A girl stepped out of the limo with her fierce and intimidating smirk. She stood proudly with her bodyguard behind her.

"I'm back"

She dialed a number on her phone and waited for the person to answer.

"Hello? May I know who's this?"

The girl grinned in victory as the girl haven't changed her number yet.

"Hi, Jeon Y/n. I'm your first love. Guess who.." she heard the person on the other line gasp.

"Jennie Kim.."


Yo! Hello, ebribadi!
This is a short update. And I am very sorry for slow updates. I really need to focus on studies right now, final examination is coming. And it have like, 150 items. I'mma give my all.

Thanks for reading, guys(gays)! And also, thank you for 8k views and for the comments, I appreciate it all. 잘가요!

❧ 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 [𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃] | Im Nayeon ff.Where stories live. Discover now