❦| Chapter 34

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"Where are we going?" She asked for the seventh time as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

I glared at her as she shut her mouth up then looked outside the window. Mumbling things that I don't understand.

Our supposed to be first date was ruined because of sudden events.

And I'm making sure that it won't happen again.

I slowed down and parked near a restaurant. Ofcourse, we need to eat first. We haven't eaten breakfast yet.

"Err.." I looked at Y/n. She's rubbing her neck. Looks like she's having second thoughts in entering.

"What?" I asked her.

"Why in here?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I saw this in the internet and it's a new restaurant. They already have high ratings because of the food. I always wanted to try international food" I told her.

"Do you really want to eat here?" She asked once again making me roll my eyes impatiently.

I have no choice but to drag her inside.

I went towards her, grabbing her hand, and intertwined it.

I glanced at her and smiled in victory once I saw her blush.


As we entered, the amazing smell of food greeted our noses. My stomach grumbled. Good thing that no one heards it.

A waiter guided us towards a two-seat round table, it is covered with an expensive-looking cloth.

He handed us the menu.

When I saw the list of foods, my mouth began to water. Damn, there are many choices. I can't pick.

And I don't know which is which. There are italian, american, japanese, chinese, filipino and spanish dishes. There's a few korean dish here.

I glanced over Y/n, seeing her pointing to the foods in selection. I wonder what she's getting.

The waiter nodded and faced me. "How about you, ma'am?"

"Can I get what she chose?" I pointed towards Y/n who looked shocked.

"O-oh, okay. I'll get the orders now" he bowed before leaving us.

"You seem familiar about this place" she awkwardly chuckled. She's hiding something.

"I-I've been here like four times already.."

I was about to speak when I saw a girl walking towards us with a smile. She tapped Y/n's shoulder.

"Hey, there.."

"Sam" Y/n stood up and hugged each other INFRONT of ME.

I just stared at Y/n intently as she pulled away, lifting her chair, moving closer to me.

The girl she called 'Sam' asked for another chair and sat infront of us with a smile.

I admit that the girl looked gorgeous with her tan skin and blonde hair. Match it with her dark-gray eyes, pointed nose and luscious pink lips. She's a foreigner.

"Hi! You don't have to stare at me like that. I'm just Y/n's friend from the Philippines" she said but I can't be certain. I don't trust her, yet.

And she ruined our date just by showing up.

"Uh..hehe, this is Samara Taylor. She's my friend" Y/n told me.

"You can call me Sam. Nice to meet you, Nayeon" I gave her a questioning look. How did she know my name?

"Y/n keeps on talking about you over the phone. I'm gonna tell you this, she's a big ass coward" I laughed a little. I guess we're gonna get along.

"Yah, I'm just right here, y'know!" Y/n pouted. "You always love to tease me. I'll tell you to Ji Eun, so she'll beat up that ass of yours"

Ji Eun?

"You mean the 'Lee Ji Eun'?" I asked, my eyes widening a little.

Y/n smiled before nodding. "Why? You know her?" She asked, which recieved a smack and followed by another one from me.

She's a freaking idol!! My idol!


A/n: Their date is ruined once again. But it seems like Nayeon doesn't mind. Don't worry, guys! I have a lot on my sleeves.

Expect something unexpected. Jowk.

Ps. Don't mind the picture above😆😅 I'm gay too, lol.


❧ 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 [𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃] | Im Nayeon ff.Where stories live. Discover now