-Chapter 6- Ill Find You, Love.

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Lenses hurt. As a child, your eyes are innocent, unharmed by reality. You don't feel the pain of your memories and beliefs being altered because you didn't have any to begin with. Once you grow up and have seen the malicious world for what it is, the procedure becomes more delicate. Any wrong move and Lachlan could have more control then they expect. "Stay still second scum!" the surgeon hissed. Lachlan's violent thrashing increased. The surgeons grew impatient. The pale man forcefully held Lachlan's head to the table, holding the lenses barely centimeters from his left eye. "We're keeping you completely awake for this surgery, we want you to feel everything. From every needle that pierces your skin to the lenses that invade your memories, we will devour all sense of individuality. Quia quod centrum." He breathed. (I hope i spelt that right. It's supposed to be Latin for 'for the center')  That's when silence filled the room. The deeper the lenses got, the quieter it became. Lachlan roared in agony, pleading for anyone to save him. Lachlan blinked rapidly, the lenses began to adjust to his eyes and find their place in a world that was not crafted for them. Then came the next lens. The man who had been attaching the lenses to Lachlan's eyes cursed. Somehow, a bubble had formed. It was small, barely noticeable but because of it the lenses will never be the same. "Bikk!" the surgeon yelled. "Call her." The way he said 'her' was as if he would be burned alive if the woman's real name left his lips. Lachlan felt as though that were the case. Not even a moment later, a woman burst into the room. Lachlan tilted his head to get a better look at her. The woman's hands were tightly gripped onto the white coat that was too many sizes too big, it was practically falling off of her. She stalked towards Lachlan. Leaning over him, she inspected his new eyes with concern. "Great job, Felix, the third one this week," sarcasm evident in her tone. "We can't get rid of him, he is one of the underground's leaders. We can use that to our advantage." Before Lachlan could process what was happening, his eyelids fell. Sleep, you are free now. 

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When Lachlan awoke his arms were free, the memory of being held prisoner barely grazed his memory. "Oi, kid. Sit down on that chair." Someone ordered. When Lachlan looked to his left he saw the woman from before standing next to him. "Who are you-?" "Names have power, you call me 'her' or 'miss'. Now sit." She cut him off. Lachlan sat in the chair, wondering why. The woman fiddled with a part of Lachlan's hair that was between her  slender fingers. "Shame," She whispered under her breath before cutting the hair. An image flashed past Lachlan's eyes. Giggling. A girl with two different eyes, one with a lens and the other a beautiful hazel. Her hands were soft, running through Lachlan's luscious blond locks. His head sat in her lap as she twirled her fingers around strands of hair. "I love your hair," she told him, "It's like silk." she chuckled. You don't know her, A voice in the back of his mind croaked. She is irrelevant. Lachlan mindlessly agreed. The woman had finished cutting his hair, leaving him to stare at the mirror before him with confusion. His once ear length hair had been shaved to an undercut with a mass of blond hair planted in the middle. God he looked stupid. A small wooden table stood next to Lachlan with what looks to be a reddish-brown uniform folded neatly on top. Deciding that a school uniform was better that a hospital gown, Lachlan got changed. After he did so, the doors to the hallway opened. Lachlan didn't know what else to do so he walked through. The woman from before appeared besides him. "Glad to see you dressed, follow me." Lachlan jumped, not expecting the woman to be besides him. "Miss? where are we going?" He asked. "Erasing your memories." She told him as if it was common sense. 

she led Lachlan to the main entrance of the building where the front desk stood in the center of the room. "Code Erase." Miss said to the lady at the counter. The lady nodded and held up what looked like an epipen up to Lachlan's face. "Don't blink." Was all Lachlan was told before he was blinded by a flash of light. Images that felt so familiar and warm began to free fall from his mind. People, smell, sound and many other things. Most of these images were of a girl, the same girl he saw when the woman cut his hair. Her lips brushing his, her hair threading through his fingers, her playing with children. Then came the last image to fall from his memories. Smoke and dust clouded the air, children screamed. Lachlan had been holding someone in his arms, the girl. "Row," he cried. The girl had a death grip on his arm, her tears soaking his torn shirt. "Rowan I love you." Lachlan planted one last lingering kiss onto her bleeding lips and used his thumb to wipe away the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Ill find you, love" Was the last thing Lachlan said to her before rising from the ashes and charging into battle. Anthems from the attackers rang through the underground like a death song. Ear piercing screams echoed loudly through the large area. War is not a pleasant thing. Lachlan realized that this was the last of his memories. He held onto it tightly. It took all of his strength not to loose it to the voices but he did it. 

Rowan. That name had so much passion, it filled Lachlan with warmth. The lenses were cold and filled Lachlan with bitterness. But the one name, Rowan, it over rides every hateful feeling with love. Lachlan's eyes shot shot open to see the lady leaning over the counter grinning wickedly. "Hello, Aster, welcome to your new life." her tone was almost mocking. It pissed him off. "What the Bikk do you mean 'new life'? This place is Bikked." Aster spat back. The woman known as 'her' placed a hand on Aster's shoulder. "How about we take you to Oaks." "What the bikk is that?" The woman only smiled in triumph at what she had created. "Your new home."

Notes and explanation:

So Lachlan has been taken by the center. They gave him lenses but a bubble was trapped under one of the lens and because of that he has a smaaaaalll amount of free will that allowed him to keep 1 memory when they tried to erase them all. They gave him the name Aster (i tried to keep the whole flower name thing that joey does) and they are gonna send him to Oaks. AND DAS IT PRETTY MUCH!

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