-Chapter 12- Globe Of Death

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Rowan looked at at the beaming Ash. "Why did you steal the scroll?" Rowan asked. Ash shook his head, "I didn't steal-" Rowan shot him a glare. "Oh, okay. I stole it. I thought you would be interested in it." Even though Rowan was disheartened at her brother for stealing, she couldn't resist the temptation to remove the ribbon. She could hear the faint whispers beckoning her to read the scroll; 'open it.'  A voice whispered, 'you will find what you desire if you do.' Another added. A firm hand gripped her shoulder and Ash tore the scroll from her grasp. He pocketed it and helped her stand. Ash took out his phone and held it to Rowan's face, showing her a string of text messages. "Flint gave us a mission," Ash squealed and Rowan groaned. "He says it's at a circus, we've never been to a circus." "I know." Rowan contained her excitement, and Ash could see it. Flint's texts to Ash talked about the underground needing the head of the circus alive. Kidnapping. Should be easy. 


From the squealing children to the flawless cast, the circus was fascinating. There was no need for Rowan to hide. The circus was so crowded and free that she could roam carelessly. Long, thin stripes of red and yellow ran down the side of the tent. And bright blinding lights escaped through the cracks and entrances of the tent, catching the lenses of people's eyes and projecting colorful beams across the faux grass. Most of the lights were centered around the main entrance. Ash stared ahead with equal wonder as his sister. An array of colours poured down Ash's toned chest and stained his blue hair red, making it a deep purple mixture. Rowan missed Ash's silver hair but she knew it was better to change his hair than to keep it. With her brother in tow, Rowan sunk into the shadows and entered the tent from the side entrance which was hidden by large crates and a barbed wire fence. The pair jumped over the fence, landing flat on their feat. Their shoes sunk into the artificial moss and grass, creating indents in the earth. On the other side of the wall two people whispered among themselves as if discussing a carefully planned assassination. Their voices were indistinct and held an obscure monotone. As they talked their shadows danced down the long hallway like they were at a ball. Twisting, twirling and finally separating, the two individuals parted. "Beware, Eris," a man stiffly warned. The two shadows fled further down the hallway and their voices grew weak. "We have second children among us." Rowan held her breath, "why haven't they been captured? Surely the animated can seek them out." Eris growled in a way that only the powerful would. Like she was raised with nothing but manners and wealth. The man sighed, "I'm sorry my dear, but there are more than we expected-" "how many?" Eris demanded. Horror laced in Ash's eyes as he pressed himself against the thin wall of the tent to hear the people continue. Rowan mirrored his actions. "Two groups, my love. One of four and the other of one second child and a first child traveling with them." 

Their cover had been blown. Rowan searched through Ash's guarded expression as she tried to read him and find what his next course of action would be. She may be the oldest but Ash has always been the protector of the family. With his head held high and his unfiltered comments, Ash had always been a leader. So when Rowan stared into his lenses she stared through him. The two people began to walk closer to Rowan and Ash. Rowan fidgeted as she waited for her brother to decide their fate but he didn't move. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind stacks of wooden crates which were filled packing peanuts. "Find them," Eris demanded from the doorway. "If they aren't captured by the time the show starts, Pluto will be vulnerable." Shuffling could be heard before the man passed Rowan with a frown and furrowed brows. Fortunately for them he couldn't see her through the dim strobe lights. Rowan removed her shaking hand from her brother's mouth and he breathed an unsteady sigh of relief. "They found us, Row." He whispered. Rowan thanked Aaron-Al Baz that she could finally hear her brother speak her name, even if it was only part of it. "Who is the other group?" Rowan didn't know the answer to that. As far as she knew, she was the only second child here. "I'm not sure but we have to find them." Rowan decided. Ash nodded and followed his sister through the side entrance door and down a hallway that was uninhabited and reeked of rust and metal. Outside the speakers boomed, informing people that the show will start soon. When the speakers switched off Rowan turned to Ash, "if we find the place that they'll be preforming in, we will find the head of the circus." She explained and Ash nodded and agreed. 

Unfortunately for them, the circus was much larger than they had expected, full of dead ends, props and endless hallways. But in the end, Rowan and Ash found it. A wide, open area that was half the size of a football stadium, maybe a bit bigger. The two were wide eyed as they looked around in awe at the crowded and colorful area. For the first time in their isolated lives, they had the opportunity to experience what life would be like for a true first child. One where Rowan didn't have to hide and one where Ash could live like any other kid his age. But alas, it would only last a small handful of hours. 

Rowan walked down the stretched stairs to the bottom, just in front of the stage to a mosh pit. It was full of roaring people who were crashing into each other as they held alcohol and other intoxicating objects. Ash held Rowan close like a shield as they waited for the show to start. When it did, a woman emerged from the lilac curtains with outstretched arms and a grin made of red lipstick. The crowed howled with excitement as they shuffled closer to the stage. "Welcome," the woman greeted, "I am Pluto, the head of this circus and the ruler of this night." That's who they're after. Pluto. Rowan hadn't realized how limited the information Flint had given them was. All she was told was that they needed the 'head of the circus'. No name, no directions, just a rank. At least she knew her target's face. Pluto continued to excite the crowd before the curtains dropped and revealed a metal cage. The cage was in the shape of a sphere and inside sat a silver and black motorcycle with crimson flames flying up the left side. 

"What's that?" Rowan whispered to Ash loud enough so that he could hear her over the crowd.  "It's called the Globe Of Death," Ash answered. "A guy rides around in there and tries to avoid the person inside-" "a person?" Rowan cried. Who on Earth would let someone ride a motorcycle around them? "yes, a person. The performer is extremely skilled so there is no need to worry, the person will be fine." Ash assured her. Her doubts didn't fade. Instead they grew once a man appeared at the globe's side. Rowan had a bad feeling about this. The performer stepped into the globe and he sat smugly on the bike as if he owned it. Which you could tell he didn't just from looking at the glitter on his tight costume. To her left, Rowan could see a boy no older than her walk towards the cage. He was pale and looked frightened. He shivered in his loose clothing and fidgeted with the string of his thick jumper. As soon as the boy walked into the cage, music started to play and the crowd chanted. "Drive! Drive!" The crowd demanded. Rowan never expected a circus to be like this and neither did Ash. The performer smirked at the crowd before turning to the boy and whispering in his ear. The boy nodded, straightened his posture and didn't move a muscle. The performer smiled and revved his engine for dramatic effect. At first he circled the boy and Rowan watched in awe at how flawless the act was. She held her breath bracing herself for the moment that he would crash into the boy but it never came. The boy's eyes were glued shut and his arms were firmly planted by his side like a stubborn child. The bike's engine screamed again and he circled the boy but only this time he circled him in the middle of the globe. When the boy opened his eyes, the intensity of the music increased and the performer drove over every wall of the cage in every direction he could. Rowan held Ash's arm tightly as she stared at the boy. And unexpectedly, he stared back. Under his golden fringe, he stared back at Rowan like he had just discovered a lost memory. Rowan gasped. It was Lachlan in the globe.


I don't plan books or chapters so i'm sorry if it's all- BLEHH!

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