THE BOY WHO LIVED; Continued/ Edited

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So, let us try this, again!

As you were all made well aware, my Life That Never Lived fic got taken down for a fourth time, and this time Wattpad wiped out my whole entire profile! I cried, I screamed, I deny having gotten away with a murder, and may have possibly spent some time pretending I was a cat to not be in this world for a time, but alas I could not stand the empty void of space that was the missing chapters on here. So, I'm republishing them without any book context whatsoever. Yes, I hate it. Yes, I feel like I'm butchering this story. I apologize, and if you'd like readable versions feel free to email me, but alas this is as good as it'll get on this site.


Lily's face brightened with joy at those words, and as she clutched her son to her chest she cooed, "Oh, these books are about my little Hare Bear!"

"How on earth could you know that from the first sentence?" Remus demanded.

"My sister, Petunia, married a man named Vernon," she replied, a bit of a catch in her voice, the sting of not even being invited to that wedding still smarting a bit.

"Good to know about your horrid sister's life," Sirius said sarcastically. "But what does this have to do with Harry?"

Lily mulled that over for a moment before announcing, "Maybe I finally make up with her. Maybe we finally get to push all that water under the bridge."

"I doubt that," James muttered so low his wife couldn't hear him, rethinking the first sentence. He did not, however, repeat himself louder because he did not want to hurt his wife's chances of this being true.

As he stated the job of Uncle Vernon, James cut in to ask curiously, "What are drills?"

"They make holes in the ground," Lily said quickly before waving Remus on.

"She hasn't changed much," Lily said with a small smile, when she heard of her sister, now a Mrs., who spent much of her time spying on neighbors. "Always been a bit nosy."

When Lily heard that this couple too had a son who was named Dudley, she pursed her lips, wondering when exactly this took place, as she had no idea whatsoever that her sister was even pregnant; they hadn't even spoken in several years.

When she heard that the Dursleys wouldn't even be able to stomach it if anyone heard of their attachment to her new last name, for the first time, Lily started having doubts as well, but she quickly shook it off. "Perhaps they just don't want the other muggles finding out about the wizarding world. They're trying to protect us."

James still wasn't sure he agreed, as he knew it wasn't Moony putting such bitter little tones in all of this, but then again, he had no real idea what was even going on yet, so he still said nothing to put her hopes against this.

As Lily was told about Mrs. Dursleys' feeling for her sister though and how they still hadn't spoken in years and how they considered themselves of the opposite, Undursleyish, she flinched and looked down instead. There went that dream.

In hopes of cheering her up Sirius piped up, "so if they get to make those kinds of words up, can I make everything cool as Siriusly as possible?"

James groaned and Remus pointed out, "Sirius, seriously is already a word. Just because you substitute your name doesn't change that."

"Rats," he muttered, snapping his fingers, and then looking around as if noticing something for the first time. "Hey guys, where did Peter run off to?"

"Oh, he left a few minutes ago," Lily said, pleased for the momentary change of subject. "Said he had to run some errands. He'll be back later."

"Why didn't he ask any of us to go with him?" James asked.

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