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namjoon:"welcome tatum and emily, im the leader of the family"

tatum nods

envy:"theyre all really nice"

yoongi:"what are you"


jasp:"do you belong to a pack already"

tatum:"no, id rather not be in one"

i nod 

jin:"so whats next"

tae:"im not sure but its late"

jasp:"yeah and are you guys hungry i can cook something"

tatum:"yeah sure"

i smile and i go to the kitchen, envy sits on the couch and she holds emily on her lap, tatum sits on the arm of the couch beside envy as the others sit down

jimin:"you all really do look alike"

tatum nods

hobi:"so where ya from"

tatum:"a place"

jungkook:"well okay, i see we have to deal with another jasper"

tatum and envy:"dont speak about my sister like that"

tae:"you literally just got here and youre trying to tell us what not to do"

tatum:"thats my sister anything that deals with her is apart of me too"

yoongi:"oh really, where have you been all these years, she didnt even know you existed"

tatum:"oh trust me she knew"

jimin:"the apple doesnt fall far from the tree"

namjoon:"stop arguing you know how jasper gets"

i walk in the livingroom

jasp:"how do i get"

i look at him with a serious look on my face

jin:"youre very family oriented"




he holds out a necklace with a rose quartz stone on it,  take it

jasp:"is this mamas"

he nods and he turns me around and pushes me back in the kitchen

kookie:"everytime something gets added to this house she gets blinded"

tatum:"thats what she needs"

envy:"tatum, stop, its fine"

jin:"continue what you were going to say"

tatum:"i swear to god if i find out again that of you bastards put your hands on my sister again i will kill you, no hesitations"

hobi:"see this is where i step in baby boy, you aint about to do shit"

him and jhope stand up they approach each other, envy sits there shocked

envy:"jasper get in here now"

i come in the livingroom and i see them and i get in between them

jasp:"stop, go sit down both of you"

they seperate and they go back to their seats

jasp:"what the hell happened"

envy:"what happened was is that you didnt tell me that they hit you"

i look at them

jasp:"they dont"

tatum:"thast bullshit jasper, did you forget i can see the past"

jasp:"its not a big deal"

tatum:"yeah whatever ill see you later envy"

he gets up and he leaves the house, i look at envy and she looks hurt, she takes emily and she goes to her room.


kooki:"you need to set boundaries"

yoongi:"what hes not about to do is threaten us"

jimin:"brother or not we wont be disrespected"

jasp:"okay im sorry, ill talk to them"

jin:"you better"

they leave and they split up and  they go to their rooms

i sigh

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