Chapter 33

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The next day I wake up early morning before Shawn and slowly get out of bed to get ready for the day without waking him up hehe. Once I'm dressed I go to make us breakfast which are hash browns and toast. While the food is being made I hear Shawn walk in he comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me a kiss on the neck, I moan he whispers good morning beautiful. 

I turn around giving him a deep kiss he looks at me deeply saying how he loves waking up almost every day to me making him breakfast awe he is too sweet. Once the food has been made Shawn helps me to set up the table, we sit down enjoying our food looking at each other lovingly. Him and I try to think of what to do today since it's my day off. 

I suggest maybe we can go to an indoor golf place it's really cool where it's all glow in the dark themed. Shawn loves that idea he says we can go there today yay. So after we finish up our breakfast we put our shoes on then go into the elevator to the underground parking lot. 

Shawn opens the door for me and then goes back around to the other side to sit in the drivers seat. He keeps his hand on my thigh while he's driving when we stop at a red light I smile holding his hand on my leg. After that we get to the Putting Edge in Scarborough luckily it's not busy now since it's a week day so we find a place to park. We hold hands going inside it looks so beautiful there's arcade games also. Shawn pays for our tickets to play one game of golf and to check out the games after. 

Shawn lets me go first so I try to put the ball in the hole I miss then it's his turn. We enjoy our game for an hour then after we go to play the games there, Shawn says he loves being in my company doing anything awe. I tell him I feel the same way then once we're done with the games we decide to go back to his place for lunch. 

Shawn keeps his hand in mine while we're at a red light then we reach his condo going back to the underground parking lot. I loved our date it was very fun I'm glad him and I enjoy being like kids again. We go into the elevator heading up to his floor then go in I start to prepare lunch for us. I make rice with vegetables and chicken Shawn helps to set up the table since he still can't cook from making a mess in the kitchen lol. 

Once everything is made we take our food to the table enjoying our lunch. Shawn holds my hand across the table he gives me a big smile. I smile back at him after that we have dessert which is blueberries with pineapple yum. Then we go to look outside from his window at the beautiful view of Toronto. Shawn says he can't wait for me to live with him where we can wake up almost every day together that I make him the happiest man in the world he's so blessed to have me awe. 

Then Shawn asks if today I want to meet his family instead of Friday since I'm not busy after. I say sure I would love to finally meet his family since he's met mine, he says okay he'll give them a call about how he's coming to Pickering with me later on. 

After that Shawn says he's let them know his family is meeting me for the very first time I tell him I'm a little nervous if they'll like me for his family. He said his family will love me he said how happy he is with me and that they're alright with him getting married young since I'm older than him. 

Awe Shawn really is the sweetest and kindest man I give him a big kiss. He says we're meeting his family at 6:00 pm that's when they all have dinner after. I say okay I can't wait to meet his family. 

Then Shawn starts kissing me passionately running his hands all over me I kiss back we go to his room to have sex, we take each other's time exploring each other's bodies touching all over. Shawn places kisses all around my upper body then down to my lower abdomen. I kiss him back all around his chest and below then after that he takes a condom putting it on. We stay connected for a long time holding onto each other kissing and moaning. 

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