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It was a terrible day at school, you had gotten detention for absolutely no reason. You unlocked the door to your house and dragged yourself inside. "I'm home dad..." You groan, your key lanyard jingles as you set it up on a hook next to the door. "Look's like he's not home early today." You sigh to yourself, simultaneously taking off your shoes then placing them next to the door. Before doing anything else you do your chores. For the day, doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen so you can make dinner later. "What should I make tonight? Hm, Maybe Alfredo? Or green chili." You pondered for a while. You finished your chores, now time to start on homework for a while. No plans, so you can take as long as you want but might as well get finished now so you can have fun later. Maybe have a few games on Overwatch or something before heading to bed.

Time passes. "Goodness, it's already nine pm and I got home at five." You realized, looking at your monitor clock. To the left of you was your bedroom window, the sun was gone and the only light in your room was that of your monitor. Dad always told you to be careful about blue light. You had a decent set up that you acquired with your own money. You worked at Outside Burger, a restaurant. One of the busiest restaurants in the country. But it gave you better money than anywhere else plus you already knew some people there so it was pretty easy getting the job. You had a sturdy desk, a monitor and a pc. But the pc was an easy deal since it was your friends old one. Works like a charm, sure it can be better but it's still pretty cool.

Your phone started ringing on your desk and you answered.

"Hello? What's up?" You asked, writing down the last few words of an answer. "Hey! I was wondering when you'd get on, are you still up to play tonight?" Your friend asked. "Oh right, sorry I completely forgot. I got caught up in my daily schedule my bad. Yeah, I'm still down to play." You apologize and relieved your friend who beamed with joy "awesome! Oh and Jean wont be able to play tonight, he got caught up with another song." He explains. "Awe well thats too bad, I was hoping to play with the both of you." You were disheartened but understood that Jean can get pretty caught up in his music career. Aphinya, the one you're calling now, is also apart of that career. They were a duo called Dancing Tigers.

Jean was an average man height wise, green hair and looked like a total punk, parents were from Italy but he was born in America. Really into the old school rock look. Aphinya was actually from Thailand, he was a mixture of asian and black and lived there until he was 12. Thats when he moved to America and met Jean. Their love for music is what pulled them together and they became best buddies.

"Well I'll hop then, I'll just call you on Discord when I'm ready. Shouldn't be too long." You stated while simultaneously putting away your books and binders away. Aphinya replied, "Sweet, is it ok if I invite someone new? I met him in Thailand a while back. He's pretty cool." You considered for a moment. That was right, Aph went to Thailand to visit family recently for the holidays. "Sure why not? I have the social battery to talk to new people."

The two of you agreed to play with this new person. You set up your game, threw your headset on and got ready to call the group-chat Aph had made with the new person in it. "Milf Snatcher" The persons username read. "Yeap this persons definitely weird." You exclaimed. No time to waste, you clicked the call button and waited for someone to answer. Hopefully Aphinya first.

Dang, no luck. Aphinya did not answer first. "Hey you must be Y/N right?" The male asked. "Mmm" you hummed "yes that's right, I figure Aphinya told you?" You question back at him. The man responded, "He did, he's told me all good things." You weren't sure about this guy at the moment but you were pretty much like that with everyone. No big deal anyway.

"He never told me your name, what is it?" You ponder, trying to open up a lobby and then invite them via Discord. "Kakyoin, I'm from Japan. I met Aphinya while visiting Thailand with a few friends." He answered. You hummed again as if it were out a habit "Yeah he told me, Japan huh? Why were you visiting Thailand?" You started to make conversation, which actually lead to some interesting things. The two of you exchanged some details about yourself. What your liked, hobbies, how long you knew Aphinya.

"Sorry I took a while, my Ma was needing my help with dinner." Aphinya was very apologetic as always. He no later joined the game. "What about some quick play warm ups first?" You ask the two, waiting to start a game. The both agreed so you started up a quick game and waited to get into a public lobby. The night was long, you were starting to get used talking to this new guy that actually had some interest in you. He was chill and didn't take any jokes to heart which you liked. The three of you played and laughed for a while. You had completely forgotten to make dinner for Dad when he gets home. "Crap, it's almost 11 and I didn't even make dinner." You exclaimed while looking at the time on your monitor. "Y/N your memories been horrible recently." Aphinya pondered, but kept his words to himself. "What about you get off for tonight and go make something to eat alright?" Kakyoin chipped in, "I agree, I should probably go eat lunch by now too." "Alright then, I'm gonna get to bed now. Good night and stay safe Kakyoin." Aphinya left the game and everyone said their farewells. It was the weekend so there was nothing to really worry about. You put together some easy to make soup just enough for yourself and dad. You safely put the rest of the soup inside tupperware and into the fridge.

"Dad <3"
"Love, Y/N"

You placed a sticky note on the tupperware before closing the fridge. Dad has been working quite hard and you just might have to start helping him if you don't want him overworking so much. He's been bad once mom died from internal problems but he didn't go down the deep end. He's made it this far for you and you would do anything for him after he's done so much. You just wish you could be with him more, but it's not like he can control it.


𝒦𝓃𝑜𝒸𝓀 𝒪𝓊𝓉! ; Noriaki Kakyoin ; 𝒢𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝓇𝑒𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀𝓈.Where stories live. Discover now