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Last night was a blast, it had only last so long but you felt pretty good. A feeling you hadn't had in a while. You spent the rest of the night staying up pretty late though, watching shows and youtube while you ate dinner and snacks. Dad didn't come home till after midnight which was a bummer since you didn't get to see him all that much that night.

Currently, you were sleeping on your bed. You grumble and roll on your bed from the sound of your alarm. "Five more minutes..." you spoke out loud to yourself, not noticing that you didn't press the snooze button but instead turned off your alarm. An hour or so passed until you woke up, it was now seven AM. Your eyes we're blurry as you picked up your phone, you rub them as you hum. "Shit, I'm gonna be late for work!" You exclaimed as dread fell over you. You absolutely could not be late again. You wake up an hour before work to get ready, but now you only have ten minutes. Looks like you'll have to eat on your way there again.

"Oh dad you're a life saver!" You were relieved, your dad had left a note saying he cleaned your work clothes so you don't have to worry about smelling to bad now. You shuffled through the drying machine and grabbed your work uniform. You threw it on along with your work boots. Quickly brushed your hair, and swooped up your work bag then off you went. You completely forgot about eating until you were half way there. "Dammit...I forgot to bring something to eat." You hit your head on the head rest. You wouldn't be able to eat till your break now, which was about five hours away. Eventually, you got to work. Not many people were there since the place starts getting busy around eleven to twelve, then until the rest of the day. "Good morning, sorry I'm late again." You spoke with guilt as you went to your locker to put your stuff inside before you check in. "Good morning Y/N!" Aphinya beams through the kitchen which was right next to the locker room. Some other employees greet you. "Don't worry about being late, I covered for you." Aphinya says with a smug look, meaning he had already checked you in.

"Thanks a lot dude, you're like my guardian angel or something. I really need to pay you back some day." You respond, shuffling through your bag to look for some deodorant. "Don't worry about a thing, it's what friends are for." He beamed with a smile. The man stood next to you, if reader isn't tall Aphinya towered over them at approximately 6'3. It's awkwardly funny to see him stand next to the rest of his family since the majority of them are short. Besides his uncle and grandfather who were also the tallest in the family.

The two of you went to your stations, you had to stand outside taking orders today which you didn't really enjoy but at least you didn't have to stay inside in a crowded kitchen touching everyone's backs. The words "hi what can I get you today?" along with a fake happy approach just made your head ache. Eventually your brain turned off and you got used to it quickly once again for another day. It was now time for your break. "Finally a meal." You groaned out loud towards one of your employees that was waiting at the cash register. "Just the usual meal with a (drink)?" They asked already putting the order through. "Yes please and thank you." You were smiling at the thought of food, and you didn't have to pay because you worked there. Who wouldn't want a free meal?

You wondered on over to the table Aphinya was sitting at, it was near the big window in the corner. "Today's been slow." You whine to him "As usual." He agrees then taking a big bite out of his burger. "Does Jean close again?" You inquired, which Aphinya nodded with a hum since his mouth was full. "So how'd you think of Kakyoin?" He pondered, wiping the food off his mouth with a napkin. "He's actually pretty cool. I don't mind him." You answered, tossing your work hat on the table with a huff "So you wouldn't mind playing another game with him?" Aphinya was looking at you with a bright look. It wasn't common for you to like someone so quickly. The only reason you know Aphinya and Jean was because you were a kid and they didn't give you any choice but to be their friend. Good times, right?

"That depends on how he feels about me." You simply answer, your food was soon brought to you in a tray. "Thanks man." You thanked the employee before he ran off back to the kitchen. "Of course he liked you, he told me. He said you were funny and sweet." Aphinya spoke as if you were dense. You choked on your food right after you took a bite, swallowed and coughed. "Sweet? He thinks I'm sweet? That's a good one." You boasted "He's a good and honest guy okay? He sees what I see in you, stop being in denial of your true self Y/N." Aphinya put his hands on your shoulders, "Feel the emotions of a new person coming into you." You made an ick face, "don't say it like that you make it sound weird."

Your friend smiled at you and giggled, "Same old Y/n. At least you'll always have that same humor and look on your face." He teased. You rolled your eyes in a playful but annoyed way while biting into your burger and fries then a (drink) to water it down until you finished. "That meal really hit the spot. I didn't get to eat breakfast this morning." You spoke, cleaning up your and Aphinyas tray to throw away. "Well, time to get back to work. Talk to you after?" Your friend asked "Yeah for sure." You beamed. Aphinya and Jean, only the two people you thought you needed along with your dad. No need to worry about too many people and you get to focus on yourself? It's a win win. But with Kakyoin you started to wonder what that would be like probably for the rest of your shift.

The rest of the shift went as usual, just taking orders. Once your shift was done you switched with the next person which happened to be Jean. "What's up Jean?" You asked, giving him the device to take orders "Nothing much just finished some lyrics today. Did your shift go well?" He reciprocated a question. "Well it was the same as usual. Don't get into trouble alright? I'll cya later." You patted his shoulder while walking inside to take off your hat and grab your bag.

"Aight, cya Y/n."

𝒦𝓃𝑜𝒸𝓀 𝒪𝓊𝓉! ; Noriaki Kakyoin ; 𝒢𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝓇𝑒𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀𝓈.Where stories live. Discover now