Now Broken

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Jo's POV
1 1/2 hours later

  "Get- get away from me!" I push Hero towards the door of his hotel room.

  "Please Jo, let me explain!" He begs with tears forming in his eyes.

  "Why should I...? You- oh my god you..." I put my hand over my mouth before I start crying more then I already am.

  Hero practically chased me back to his room, even though I should've tried to run all the way back to the airport.

  I tried closing the door right in his face, but he put his foot there. He didn't even move it when I kept pushing the door closed.

  "Please Jo..." he says and falls on his knees, but honestly I don't wanna hear it.

  "You- you almost fucked her Hero!" I yell and can't stop the tears that are streaming down my face.

  "That's not true! I love you!" He says and I look down at him, shaking my head.

  "I- I really thought you did too..." I tell him and watch the grown man I love break into a million pieces. Except now he isn't a man, he's a small boy. I turned him into this.

  "Good- goodbye Hero..." I say and bite my lip as I walk out of the hotel room. Leaving the person I love to break down just like my heart is doing right now.

  At the end of the week we have the movie premiere, and even though I was excited I am not dreading it. He'll be there, I don't even wanna say his name anymore. I left the man I love behind, and it wasn't worth it at all.

Hero's POV

  In simple terms, I'm breaking down.

  Losing her is the only thing I care about right now. She's the thing I need to keep me stable. So I'm not stable anymore, which makes sense for the mess I've made in this room.

  Looking around I don't remember doing any of the damage. Some of the paintings are off the walls, the desk is flipped over, the bed is a mess and the mattress is on a wall.

  At some point I must've called someone, because there's a knock at the door. I get up and answer it. I see Jackson standing there. I guess I called my manager.

  "What the hell happened here?" He asks, pushing through my arm and walking in,

  "I honestly don't know man." I say and look at my hand. It's full of blood from the cute on them. As he looks around the room I go and get a hand towel to tie around my hand.

  "You destroyed the place Hero." He says, stating the obvious. I roll my eyes and sigh.

  "Yeah I know." I say and walk out of the bathroom. My eyes are puffy and my head is spinning.

My world is falling apart.

  "Why the fuck would you do this?" Great. Now he's gonna lecture me.

  "It's whatever Jackson, I'll pay for the damage." I say and sigh a bit.

  "Damn right you are, you did this shit for no reason." He says and I shake my head.

  "You have no fucking idea what I'm going through." I say and he starts shaking his head.

  "Oh what? A poor rich boy did get what he wants-" I cut him off.

  "Jo fucking broke up with me!" I yell at him and the angry face he once had is gone.

  "Hero..." he says and I bite my lip trying to hold the tears back again.

  "Melody said we almost hooked up... I might've been drunk but I would never. I would never hurt Jo like that." I say and the tears let lose.

  "Let's get you home." He says to me and I nod, starting to pack my clothes.

1 day after
Jo's POV

  I can barely move out of bed. I don't even wanna move out of bed. I haven't talked to anyone but my sister, who's making her way to LA to help me.

  He almost hooked up with her. He made the story seem it was the other way, because that's what he remembers.

I'm heart broken.

I love him so much, and he broke that.

Hero's POV

  I got up today, only because Jackson made me. He told me fresh air would make me feel better, but I only thought of her.

She's my everything, I can barely love without her.

In fact I'm not living without her.

  I haven't gone on my phone, I haven't watched tv. All I've done is sleep, eat, and cried. It fucking sucks

2 days after
Jo's POV

  Kathrine came today, which made the day a little bit more bearable.

  She made me some soup, and we watched a few movies, but I didn't laugh or smile. It was just nice to have someone here.

  "Do you wanna talk about it...?" She asks softly, and I shake my head, holding the pillow closer to me.

  "I don't know what else to say but the fact that I love him, and now he's gone..." I say softly, trying to make sure my voice doesn't crack. I lay back down on my bed, covering my face so Katherine doesn't head my small cries.

Hero's POV

  I didn't bother doing anything today, but I did check my phone. Melody tried to talk to me, but I shut that down really quick.

  Jackson had to go grab some things from his house so he can stay a few more nights. He wants to make sure I'm mentally okay, and I won't hurt myself.

  While he's gone I cry, thinking of the amazing memories of us. How no matter what you've always made me smile. But now you're making me cry.

  I know I didn't do it, so why did you believe her? I don't wanna make excuses, especially since I'll ask you when we're on the promo tour. You can stay away from me as much as you want, except for then.

  You'll be forced to see me then, talk to me, act like you like me. Honestly, I'm okay with that. Maybe it'll feel real, making us see what we were missing out on.

Now I'm excited for what's to come.

Authors note!

Hello! I'm soooo sorry for this part taking a long time to come out. I've been very busy this week, so I hope you can understand!

This is the last part of "Needing You."

Don't worry, this is only the first story of what I'm planning on being a 3 part series. I'm planning for the first part of the next story to come out this week.

I am also working on another story, so if you enjoy my writing please check that out when it comes out. It is my own story, slightly inspired by the show "I am not okay" so please check it out when it comes out!❤️❤️

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