Chapter 1

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Ada's POV
May 31, 2011. Last day of sophomore year, as the last bell rings, the hallways flood with students. Searching through the crowds I finally spotting my longest friend, Sophia, she then saw me and starting skipping over with her normally happy smile.
"It's summer" she sings, skipping around me

"Yeah" I laugh "we still on for tomorrow night?"

"Hell yeah. But for now, I have to go, James is picking me up" she hugs me goodbye, then makes her way to the front doors. James is her boyfriend, and I love Sophia so much but I'm not sure if she has the best taste in men. After talking to a few more of my friends, I start my quick drive home, I got my license earlier in the year, and drive a Black 2006 Jeep Wrangler.
Pulling into the driveway I notice how early my mom is home for work as her car sits in the driveway.

"I'm home!" I shout, entering the house. But I'm only met with silence "Mom!" I shout again, only to be met with the same outcome. Searching through the house, I notice the trail of damage through the living room to the stairs. Picture frames shattered, chairs fallen on their side, and worst of all a small trail of blood on every other step.

"MOM!" I scream another time before sprinting up the stairs. Upon entering the master bedroom, I notice her limp body lying on the floor and a small puddle of blood resting under her head. I shrill scream exits my mouth as a sharp pain enters my throat. I fall to the floor still standing in the doorway and sits there as tears fall from my eyes into my hands.

After about 30 minutes of sobbing, my senses smack me in the face and before I know it a sheet has been laid over my mother, my car has been packed to the brim with my stuff, a 22 rifle sitting on the floor in the back, and my whole house has been searched top to bottom. But before giving up, I come across a small metal box under a floorboard in the kitchen. And with the box tucked under my arm, I walk out to my car my pace quickening, until I reach my seat and lock the doors. I feel my heart rate rise as I flip the latch on the box, and resting on the inside of the lid is a picture of a young man with his arm wrapped around the waist of my young mother. In questioning I starting digging through the box as pictures and letters fly out until I come across a CD with the name written in my mother's cursive on the front. In a hurry, I start my car and shove the CD into the player, and her voice soon sounds through the speakers.

"Ada, honey if you are hearing this then I would assume I have died. Please leave the house and take what you need. Don't look back. At the bottom of this box is both a credit card only for emergencies and a large amount of cash. Find your father, his name is Dean Winchester and last I checked his number was ***-***-***, tell him who you are, tell him my name or else he won't trust you. Baby, I love you more than anything in the world, remember that.

After listening to the CD on repeat for about 20 minutes, I pull out of the garage and start the drive. I plan on driving for about 3 hours and then calling Dean, his number has already been placed into my phone in fear of losing it.

After about an hour and a half, I pick up my phone and click Dean's contact, as I impatiently listen to the sound of the ringing, and he declined the call, so I called again, and again. And after the third try, the call connects, in shock, I quickly pull over to the side of the road.
"Hello?" a gruff voice sounds on the other end of the phone.

"Hi... um is this Dean Winchester?" I questions, worry settling into my voice.
"Yes, who is this" he barks with a very pissed off voice.

"Yeah, my name is Ada Collins. Did you possibly know an Elizabeth Collins?" I say, honestly expecting him to hang up.

"Yeah I knew, god it's probably been 17 years since I've seen her, why?"

"Well, she is my mom, and I think this conversation would be easier to have face to face." I state frankly, "if you don't mind me asking, where are you?"

"I'm just outside Kansas," he says with a weary tone.

"Okay, do you know where the Sunrise Diner is off of 74"

"Yeah, I'm about 20 minutes from there,"

"Meet me there in 25," I say, as a form of confidence strikes me.

"Okay see you there."

"See ya," I say before hanging and pull back onto the road, speeding about 10 miles over the speed limit.

After about 17 minutes I pull into the almost empty parking lot to the diner and wait, hoping to see a man that looks like the one in the picture. About a minute later, I notice a black chevy impala pull into the parking lot and park across from me, once I see him get out of the car I notice almost immediately that it is, in fact, the man from the picture. After his eyes scan the lot for any traces of a 16-year-old girl, seconds later his eyes land on me. I sit up a little bit straighter and run my hand through my dark brown hair, which I now realize I got from my mother.

"Ada?" he asks stopping in front of me.

"Yeah, Dean?" I question back just for assurance since I'm still worried about the whole dead mom thing.

"Yes. 'Kay kid, what is going on, and who are you?" he jumps into the questions and the story.

"Okay so today I came home from school and my mom was dead on her bedroom floor," I start, tears brimming my eyes, "and that's really fucking scary. And my first thought was to run, get out of there as fast as possible, so I did. I packed up all of my crap and left. But before I left, I went back into her room and found a box"

Dean stares at me before going "mhm" he looks like he doesn't know what to do with me crying and awkwardly cussing. He stays still as I walk over to my passenger door to grab the box. I then walk back around, set the box on the trunk, and open the lid so that the first thing Dean sees is the picture of himself and my mom. He steps forward and grabs the picture. "Kiddo, I hate to cut you off but please answer my questions, why did you call me, how do you know me?"

"Ok sorry, um, you knew my mom, you said that you last saw her about 17 years ago. I just recently turned 16, and with that box was a CD, and she basically told me that you're my father" I ramble with a shakey laugh at the end as a tear rolls down my cheek. "So that means that my name is not Ada Marie Collins, but Winchester."

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