Chapter 2

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Ada's POV

"So that means that my name is not Ada Marie Collins, but Winchester."

Dean runs his hands through his hair in contemplation, probably questioning his actions 17 years ago and the truthfulness of this story, but as far as I know, it's not true or false.

"Okay, let's go somewhere else, I have a motel room up the street, we'll go there and figure the rest of this out" Dean decides before turning to walk back over to his car.

"Wait," I shout before watching his quickly spin back around, "does that mean we're not getting food?" I ask with the slightest bit of concern on my face.

"Yeah, yeah we'll get food," he says rolling his eyes but the smile on his face never falters. After we both order our food, which happened to be the same, a bacon cheeseburger with a side of fries, but Dean also orders a Cesar salad, and I didn't really peg him as a salad guy. We both head out to our cars, where Dean tells me to follow behind him after I refused to leave my car in a Diner parking lot. We soon pull into the Summerset Motel, I don't know who the hell names motels but they need to contemplate their choices, and after grabbing my bag of food and my pocket knife, I follow behind Dean into his room, a small sense of worry drops into my stomach, and part of me worries that I made a mistake with finding Dean, which I know sounds ridiculous but I have never even heard from him or of him.

"Sammy, here is your rabbit food" Dean basically shouts as he throws the container of salad at the tall man sitting at the small table of the motel. I take slow, small steps and my hand rests on the knife in my back pocket, because even though I have no clue who killed my mom, the thought of it still has me on edge, like it would anyone else. And after standing in the doorway for about 10 seconds, Dean turns to introduce me.

"Sam, this is my daughter, Ada," he says, with the utmost confidence. Sam looks between Dean and me for some form of approval, whether it be looks or at least me confirming, which I do with a nod of my head. "and Ada this is my brother Sam."

"Hi," I mumble, glancing everywhere but Sam and Dean. Normally I'm more outgoing and confident, but with everything that has gone on today that personality seems to be faltering.

"Um, I'm sorry, but I'm confused," Sam says, continuing to watch me nervously rock in the door, and the stress of telling the story again sits on my shoulders, and I'm almost positive that they can see the fear set in on my face.

"Kiddo, do you want me to tell him," Dean questions quietly, a saddened look takes over his face. I nod, knowing that if I even try opening my mouth the crying may never stop and that is really awkward for some guys that I had just met.

Dean rather quickly explains my story and all I can do while he explains is stare as the old, nasty carpet. I was honestly afraid to look at the pity in Sam and Dean's eyes, and I know that if I saw that pity that would cause me to cry and I don't think I have that in me anymore, and I'm probably really dehydrated from the crying.

"I'm sorry. Does that mean you will be staying with us?" Sam says with a mix of confusion and excitement.

"Um, I think I'd like to stay if you will have me" a form of hope filling my stomach because I know that I could never go back to my mom's family, and being put into an orphanage sounds horrible.

"Of course," Dean blurts out before Sam even has a chance to think about saying anything, "I can't let you leave again," pity and guilt fills his eye, and I could see the sinceriety in him. I was honestly worried to go with them, but I know it was for the best and that they would care. "Please, Ada, understand that if I'd had known that your mom was pregnant I never would have left, and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." tears fill my eyes and I notice tears brimming his, and before I can even contemplate what I was going to say or do, Dean arms wrapped around me in a comforting hug, holding me tightly as if he thought I might disappear. Even after only knowing him for a hour, the father, daughter pull was definitly there and I hoped that he could feel it too. After Dean and I pulled away I quickly wiped my eyes and looked over to Sam, making sure that there wasn't a disappointed or angry look on his face which luckly there wasn't.

"Welcome to the family Ada," Sam says as a smile takes over his face and he pulls to into a side hugs. 

"Thank you so much" I smile, while leaning into the hug.

"Well, before we get this show on the road there is something I think we should tell you" Dean says after only a second of comfortable silence, and a slightly worried expression fills our faces, but mainly mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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